Episode 34 - Keiko's Fairy Tale
一話34 − Keiko − のおとぎ話
- [Cut to Seishun-kan.
- [ Seishun - kan を切り変えろ。
With summer in full swing, the sun is high in the sky as the neighborhood engages in mid-day activities.
Inside Room #3, Eiji sits on the futon with a home video game control in his hand and a thermometer in his mouth.]
部屋 # 3の中に、 Eiji は彼の口で彼の手と温度計でホームビデオゲーム制御装置で futon の上に座る。]
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- [Pulls the thermometer out of Eiji's mouth as she looks at her watch.]
- [彼女が彼女の腕時計を見る(時・から・につれて・ように)、 Eiji の口から温度計を引き抜く。]
Hmm...I'm afraid you do have a fever.
ふーん・・・ .I はあなたが熱があることを恐れている。
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Stuffed voice.]
- [声を圧縮した。]
I could have told you that already...
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- I have to go to the pharmacy and the grocery store to get some medicine and food.
- 私は若干の薬と食物を手に入れるために薬局と食料雑貨店に行かなければならない。
I may be a while so I have a baby-sitter coming to keep you company while I'm gone.
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [With hope.]
- [希望で。]
ヨーコ (Yoko) − oneechan * か?
*Older sister or older female friend
* 姉あるいはもっと年がいった女性の友人
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- [Shakes head.]
- [長を振る。]
No, Kimura-san.
いいえ、 Kimura - san 。
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Big sweats.]
- [大きいトレーナー。]
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- [Concerned.]
- [心配している。]
I thought you liked Kimura-san.
私はあなたが Kimura - san が好きであったと思った。
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- Well...I sort of do...
- まあ・・・ .I がまあ言わば・・・をする。
It's just that the last time she was here, she kept hugging me and squeezing me.
She treats me like a stuffed toy or something.
I really hate it when she does that.
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Cheerful voice from outside in the main hall.]
- [主なホールでの外からの朗らかな声。]
Gomen kudasai*!
‖ Gomen kudasai ‖ * ‖!
*Please excuse me (Standard greeting when entering a house)
* どうか私(家に入る時、出迎えている水準)を許してくれ
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- [Reassuringly.]
- [安心させるように。]
Well, maybe she won't do it this time...
[Opens the door.]
Come in.
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Bows.]
- [お辞儀をする。]
Thank you for having me!
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- [Smiles.]
- [微笑する。]
Not at all.
Thank you for agreeing to watch him on short notice.
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- It's no trouble at all.
- それはまったく問題じゃない。
[Bubbly expression.]
Eiji - kun !
How are you?
[Wraps her arms around him and gives him a hug.]
- [Eiji looks at Fujimoto with a knowing expression as she tries to hide the embarrassment on her face.]
- [ Eiji は、彼女が彼女の顔の上に当惑を隠そうとする(時・から・につれて・ように)、知っているような表現で Fujimoto を見る。]
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- You poor thing...you're burning up!
- あなた・・・が .you する程度が低いことは燃え尽きている!
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- Well, it's not so bad.
- まあ、それはそれほど良くなくはない。
I mean I get to miss school and everything...
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- Hmm...that's so sad.
- ふーん・・・ .that はそれほど哀れである。
School is a lot of fun.
学校 (School) は大変面白い。
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Dryly to himself.]
- [皮肉に彼自身に。]
Says you...
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- Well, I guess I'll be going then.
- まあ、私は私がその時行くであろうと思う。
Is there anything else you think you'll need?
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Confidently.]
- [自信を持って。]
We'll be OK...
I'll take good care of him!
- Fujimoto:
- Fujimoto :
- [Smiles.]
- [微笑する。]
Very well, you two take care.
I'm off.
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Bubbly.]
- [陽気だ。]
Come back soon!
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Despairingly.]
- [絶望的に。]
Very soon...
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- Well, what shall we do today?
- まあ、我々は今日何をするべきか?
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- Maybe you can play with me on "Killer Kops".
- 多分あなたは「殺人者 Kops 」の上に私と遊ぶことができる。
I don't get to play 2-player a lot.
私は大いに2 - プレーヤーをプレーすることができない。
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- "Killer Kops"?
- 「殺人者 Kops 」か?
Is that a manga title or something?
それは manga タイトルあるいは何かか?
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- Oneechan...it's a cool video game!
- Oneechan ... .it は冷たいビデオゲームだ!
You get to shoot people!
- [Eiji turns the video game console back on and hands Kimura the other controller.
- [ Eiji は上にビデオゲームコンソールを戻して、そして Kimura に他のコントローラーを手渡す。
However, after only a few games, it becomes obvious that Kimura is not catching on.]
しかしながら、ただ少数のゲームだけの後に、 Kimura が流行していないことは明白になる。]
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- I can't believe it...you're even worse than the computer!
- 私はそれ... .you がさらにコンピュータより悪いと信じることができない!
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Embarrassed.]
- [困らせられた。]
Well...my parents were never fond of video games.
まあ・・・ .my 親は決してビデオゲームが好きじゃなかった。
They say it can damage your eyes.
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- Wh-what kind of nonsense is that?
- ばかげたことの Wh-what 種類はそれか?
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- Hmm...
- ふーん・・・。
[Thinks for a minute.]
I got it!
I'll tell you a story!
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Sarcastically.]
- [皮肉に。]
Do I have a choice?
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Self-absorbed.]
- [自己陶酔だ。]
Once upon a time, in a land far away...
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Mostly to himself as he reluctantly settles in.]
- [たいてい彼自身に彼がいやいやながら落ち着く(時・から・につれて・ように)。]
I guess not...
- [Cut to a dark forest in the middle of a strange and mysterious realm.
- [妙な、そして神秘的な領域の真ん中(に・で)暗い森林を切り変えろ。
Although the mid-day sun is shining, the only clearly lit area is the path leading to the village ahead.
As he approaches a fork in the road, Kasuga pulls off his hooded cloak and checks his bearings.]
彼が道路でフォークに接近する(時・から・につれて・ように)、 Kasuga は彼のフードつきの外套を取って、そして彼の位置をチェックする。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Hmm...
- ふーん・・・。
[Pulls out his map and looks at the sky.]
That marker should be right about here...
- Voice:
- 声:
- Don't tell me that you can't find the marker after only five years!
- 私にあなたがただ5年だけの後にマーカーを見いだすことができないと言うな!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Sees familiar figure come from the opposite fork.]
- [よく知られたフィギュアが反対のフォークから来るのを見る。]
Katsu - san !
- [Katsu walks up to Kasuga and after a brief reunion, they continue on their way.]
- [ Katsu は Kasuga のところへ歩み寄る、そして短い再会の後に、(彼・それ)らは(彼・それ)らの方法の上に継続する。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Five years...Gee, has it been that long?
- ・・・が .Gee する5年、それは長い間(今まで)それだったか?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Since the two of us left the village.
How was it at the Wizardry school?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I can't complain.
- 私は不平を言うことができない。
They taught me a lot about using the Power.
What about the Alchemy college?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- It was useful.
- それは有用だった。
It's a changing world.
Science is definitely going to be competing with magic one of these days.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- No way...eh?!
- ・・・が .eh する方法じゃないか?!
- [Without warning, an ugly, dark-skinned creature leaps out of the trees.
- [警告しないで、険悪な、皮膚が黒い生物が木から飛ぶ。
It bellows a blood-curdling cry with a weapon in hand.
Kasuga concentrates, causing the creature to fly past both of them and land hard on a fallen log.
Kasuga は、人物を(彼・それ)らの両方ともを過ぎて飛んで、そして落ちたログの上に激しく上陸させて、集中する。
Undeterred, the creature stands up and tries to charge at both of them.]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Watch out!
- 警戒しろ!
[Pulls out a glass vial from his vest and throws it at the creature's face.
The creature wails in pain as acid burns into its face.
It goes running off into the woods.]
Wh-what was that?!?
‖ Wh-what はそれだった?!‖?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Oni*!
- ‖ Oni ‖ * ‖!
But they only come out at night!
What's going--?
行っている − は何か?
* 悪魔
- [Interrupted by an explosion visible in the distance.]
- [距離で目に見える爆発によって遮られた。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- The village!
- 村!
- [Cut to a small settlement located in a large clearing in the forest.
- [大きい森林開拓地で森林に位置している小さい和解を切り変えろ。
What was once a quiet and peaceful village is under siege by a marauding band of oni and other creatures.
かつて静かな、そして穏やかな村であったものは oni の略奪のバンドと他の生物によって包囲攻撃の下である。
Villagers everywhere run frantically to save what they can as the marauders loot the village and burn buildings.
Amid the chaos, one lone figure of resistance is seen in the form of a dark-haired female warrior wielding a sword.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Visibly wounded but still defiant.]
- [著しく傷ついた、しかしまだ反抗的だ。]
You vile creatures must be destroyed!
- [Three oni leap off the roof of a nearby building, trying to flank and surround Ayukawa.
- [ Ayukawa の側面に置いて、そして囲もうとして、近くの建物の屋根から外れた3つの oni 跳躍。
Seeing this, she pulls out three picks with one smooth practiced motion, embedding each attacker in their arms, disarming them.
Seeing his troops finally encounter real resistance, the largest oni, clearly the leader, approaches Ayukawa.]
彼の兵隊がついに真の抵抗に遭遇するのを見て、最も大きい oni 、はっきりとリーダー、は Ayukawa に接近する。]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Readies her weapon.]
- [彼女の武器を用意する。]
I challenge you!
- [Cut to the outer hallway in Seishun-kan.
- [ Seishun - kan で遠隔の廊下を切り変えろ。
Kasuga and Katsu are coming in the main entrance.]
Kasuga と Katsu は主な入口で来る。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- ...so I told him, "Don't put that tube on the burner yet.
- ... .so に、私が彼に言った、「まだバーナーの上にそのチューブを置くな。
I'll get to it when I can.
But no, he *had* to do it, and now we're both in trouble."
‖ただ * が持っていたノー、彼‖ * それをするために、そして今我々は困難な状態に面している両方ともだ。」‖。
Anyway, what time is Ayukawa dropping by to pick us up for the show?
とにかく、何時に Ayukawa はショーのために我々を車で拾うためにひょっこり立ち寄っているか?
[Stops when he sees Kasuga's attention is elsewhere.]
[彼が Kasuga の注意が他のところにであるのを見る時、ストップする。]
Hey, Kasuga-san.
おい、 Kasuga - san 。
What is it?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I thought I heard someone mention Ayukawa.
- 私は私が誰かが Ayukawa に言及するのを聞いたと思った。
- [Kasuga goes over to Room #3 and puts his ear on the door.
- [ Kasuga は部屋 # 3に行って、そしてドアに彼の耳を置く。
After a moment, curiosity gets the better of Katsu and he does the same.]
少し後で、好奇心が Katsu を負かす、そして彼は同じをする。]
- [Cut back to the village.
- [村に削減しろ。
With several of their brethren slain by Ayukawa, many of the creatures attempt an escape.
Ayukawa によって殺された(彼・それ)らの信者仲間のいく人かと一緒に、生物の多くがエスケープを試みる。
However, the leader steps forward to challenge her.
Although she manages to hold her own for a while, size, reach and battle fatigue finally takes its toll as she falls back towards a wall.
Her sword is dashed from her hands and lands across the street.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Who is she?
- 彼女は誰か?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Never mind that!
- 決してそれを嫌だと思うな!
She's fighting on our side!
[Throws a vial of putricine on the ground, incapacitating a group of oni.
[ oni のグループを無能にして、地上に putricine の小瓶を投げる。
Turns and sees Ayukawa's peril.]
向きを変えて、そして Ayukawa の危険を見る。]
Kasuga !
They're too close together for me to help her!
Cast a spell or something!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods firmly.]
- [固くうなずく。]
Un !
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- Oh come on, don't be silly!
- 起きられた Oh 、愚かであるな!
- [Cut back to Room #3 at Seishun-kan.]
- [ Seishun - kan において部屋 # 3に削減しろ。]
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
What do you mean?
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Dismissively.]
- [軽べつするように。]
Kyosuke-oniichan* a wizard?
1天才 Kyosuke − oniichan * か?
That scatter-brained, wishy-washy guy couldn't turn cream into butter!
*Older brother or older male friend
* 兄あるいはもっと年がいった男性の友人
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Whispers from outside the door.]
- [ドアの外からささやく。]
Why that little...!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Whispers from outside the door.]
- [ドアの外からささやく。]
Hey...he probably doesn't mean any real harm.
おい・・・ .he が恐らく真の害を意味しない。
Besides, he's got a point.
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- And Ritsu-oniisan?
- そして Ritsu - oniisan ?
He's lucky he hasn't blown himself up by now!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Smirks as he whispers.]
- [彼がささやく(時・から・につれて・ように)、にやにや笑う。]
Sounds right to me...
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Hrumph...!
- Hrumph ・・・
- [Cut back to the scene of the battle.
- [戦いの現場に削減しろ。
Kasuga whispers as he concentrates his power.
Kasuga は、彼が彼の力を集中させる(時・から・につれて・ように)、ささやく。
As he does so, the leader of the oni rears back for his final blow.
彼がそうする(時・から・につれて・ように)、 oni のリーダーは彼の最終の強打のために後部を持ち上げる。
Ayukawa steels herself, then suddenly hears a voice in her mind.]
Ayukawa は気をしっかりさせて、彼女の心でその時突然声を聞く。]
- Kasuga's voice:
- Kasuga の声:
- "Don't worry!
- 「心配するな!
I've got your sword."
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [To herself as she watches the sword lift off the ground unaided.]
- [彼女自身に彼女が剣持ち上げを見る(時・から・につれて・ように)、助けなしで地面を消せ。]
Wh-what か?
- Kasuga's voice:
- Kasuga の声:
- "I can help you...but you have to trust me..."
- 「私はあなた...あなたが私を信頼するために持っている .but に手を貸すことができる・・・。」
- [Ayukawa tenses as the oni leader is about to swing.
- [ Ayukawa は、 oni リーダーがスイングしようとしている(時・から・につれて・ように)、緊張する。
Behind the leader, Ayukawa sees her sword start flying through the air towards her, handle first.
リーダーの後ろに、 Ayukawa は彼女の剣が彼女に向かって雰囲気を通して飛び始めて、最初に扱うのを見る。
Not seeing this, the leader takes his time with his final stroke.
Just before he brings his blade down, Ayukawa lunges forward between the leader's legs, snatches the sword out of the air in mid-tumble, and imbeds it in the surprised leader's back.]
ちょうど彼が彼の刃を下降させる前に、 Ayukawa はリーダーの足の間に前方へ突いて、中央の宙返りで空気から剣をひったくって、そしてそれを驚いているリーダーの後部で埋める。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Excitedly.]
- [興奮して。]
He did it!
- [Cut back to the corridor outside Room #3.]
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Smug whisper to Katsu.]
- [ Katsu への独りよがりのささやき。]
"I did it..."
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Unimpressed.]
- [感動しない。]
Don't be so proud of yourself.
It was my "chemicals" that gave you cover.
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [From down the hallway.]
- ‖[羽毛から‖廊下。‖]
What are you two doing?!?
- Kasuga & Katsu:
- Kasuga & Katsu (Kasuga & Katsu) :
- [In unison.]
- [一斉に。]
Shhh ・・・
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Surprised.]
- [驚いている。]
Eh か?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Whispers while pointing towards Room #3.]
- [部屋 # 3に向かって指さす間に、ささやく。]
Kimura-san's telling Eiji a story.
Kimura - san が Eiji に物語を話している。
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Dismissively.]
- [軽べつするように。]
Pah ・・・
Probably all about bunnies and cute little puppy dogs.
[Walks over and puts his ear by the door.]
- [Cut to the village.
- [村を切り変えろ。
While many of the villagers struggle to rebuild what they can, the mayor of the village listens to a small gathering to plan the next move.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- ...and so my village elder bade me to investigate your village.
- ・・・が .and する、それで私の村年長者はあなたの村を調査するために私を言った。
Apparently, the plague of evil has already begun.
- Egami:
- Egami :
- Then your village has also seen the signs of unrest.
- その時あなたの村は同じく不安のサインを見た。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Yes, your honor.
- はい、あなたの尊敬。
Since the oni have already attacked you as well, it will only be a matter of time before this evil threatens us all.
oni がすでに同様にあなたを攻撃したので、それは、この悪が我々すべてを脅かす前に、ただ時間の問題であるだけであるだろう。
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
I agree.
[To Kasuga and Katsu.]
[ Kasuga と Katsu に。]
Therefore we must find and defeat this great evil at its source.
I'm assigning the two of you to accompany Ayukawa-san to the city of Guilder.
私はあなたの2人に Guilder 市に Ayukawa - san に伴うことを割り当てている。
There you must learn as much as you can and seek whatever means you need to defeat this evil.
- Katsu & Kasuga:
- Katsu & Kasuga (Katsu & Kasuga) :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
- [Cut back to the hallway outside Room #3.]
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。]
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Smugly to Kasuga and Katsu.]
- [ひとりよがりに Kasuga と Katsu に。]
That's right...art is a reflection of life after all.
そうだ... .art は結局のところ生活の映像だ。
I'm lord of the land.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Unimpressed.]
- [感動しない。]
Aren't you exaggerating just a little?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Matter-of-factly.]
- [実に。]
And you're drafting us to defend your honor again.
- Egami:
- Egami :
- Wh-what did you say...?!
- 何が − Wh しても、あなたは・・・を言う?!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Shh...!
- Shh ・・・
- [Cut to the edge of the mysterious forest.
- [神秘的な森林の端を切り変えろ。
As the trees give way to open plains, the city skyline is visible on the horizon.]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Rhetorically.]
- [修辞的に。]
The city-state of Guilder...rumors say it's a hive of scum and villainy.
Guilder の都市国家・・・ .rumors がそれが浮きかすと悪事のハチの巣であると言う。
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- Oneechan, you stole that line!
- Oneechan 、あなたはその線を盗んだ!
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- It's all right, no one will ever know!
- それは問題がない、と誰も今までに知らないだろう!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Pulls out a large leaf, rolls it into a thin cigarette, then lights it with a match.]
- [大きいリーフを引き抜いて、薄いタバコの中にそれを転げ回って、マッチでその時それに火をつける。]
It's a pit, but it's the only place we can get help.
The ruler of the city is...someone who I think will help us.
都市の定規はそうだ...私が心に抱く .someone が我々に手を貸すだろう。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Coughs as the acrid smell of burning leaf fills his nostrils.]
- [燃えているリーフの刺すようなにおいが彼の鼻孔を満たす(時・から・につれて・ように)、せきをする。]
You know, you shouldn't smoke!
You'll never have healthy babies!
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- That line sounds so corny!
- その線はそれほど陳腐に聞こえる!
Even Kyosuke-oniichan wouldn't say something that weird, would he?
Kyosuke - oniichan さえそれほど気味が悪い何かを言わないだろうね。
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- Aa...umm...well...Madoka-san says he did.
- Aa ... .umm ... .well ・・・ .Madoka - san が彼がそうしたと言う。
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- [Flatly.]
- [平坦に。]
I should have known...
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Coldly.]
- [冷淡に。]
My health isn't your concern.
Besides, [Takes a drag from the cigarette, then deliberately tosses the burning stub into the brush.]
Besides 、[タバコから障害をとって、ブラシの中にその時故意に燃えている切り株をほうる。]
it's our village's tradition before going into battle.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [With trepidation.]
- [恐怖で。]
- [The brush begins to smoke, drawing out several previously-hidden figures from the surrounding bushes and tall grass.
- [ブラシは、周囲の低木と高い草からいくつかの前に隠されたフィギュアをのばして、たばこを吸い始める。
Their armor markings declare their allegiance as clearly as their grim faces declare their intentions.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Guilderian soldiers!
- Guilderian は兵役に服す!
They're here to help us!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Rolls her eyes.]
- [彼女の目をきょろきょろさせる。]
What an idiot...
- [Cut back to the hallway outside Room #3.
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。
Kasuga, Katsu and Egami are engrossed in listening in, and fail to notice the main door open.
Kasuga 、 Katsu と Egami は立聞きすることに熱中していて、そして主なドアが開くのに気付き損ねる。
Ayukawa walks in and stops as she looks surprised by the trio of people leaning against door #3.
Ayukawa は入って来て、そして、彼女がドア # 3に対して傾斜して人々のトリオによって驚いているように見える(時・から・につれて・ように)、ストップする。
After a moment, she clears her throat.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- A-hem...!
- − ヘリ・・・
- Katsu & Kasuga & Egami:
- Katsu & Kasuga & Egami (Katsu & Kasuga & Egami) :
- Waah...!
- Waah ・・・
[Recover composure.]
Shh ・・・
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
What are you guys doing?
It isn't nice to be eavesdropping on people.
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Whispers as he points towards the door.]
- [彼がドアに向かって指さす(時・から・につれて・ように)、ささやく。]
We're not eavesdropping!
We're listening to a story!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Keiko-san is telling Eiji a fairy tale!
- Keiko - san が Eiji におとぎ話を話している!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
[Walks to the door and starts listening in.]
Is it a romance story?
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Smirks.]
- [にやにや笑う。]
Not quite.
- [Cut to the dungeon of the castle.
- [城の地下牢を切り変えろ。
The cell door slams shut, echoing the sound of imprisonment throughout the dungeon.]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Angrily from behind bars.]
- [怒ってバーの後ろから。]
What do you think you're doing?!
- Guard Captain:
- 警備隊 (Guard) キャプテン:
- [Unconcerned.]
- [無関心だ。]
These are difficult times.
Until you can prove your identity, we're going to have to keep you here.
[Turns and leaves.]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- H-Hey...!
- H-Hey ・・・
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Frustrated.]
- [失望させられた。]
Che...why did you have us surrender?
Che ... .why にあなたは我々が降伏するようにしたか?
We could have taken them on.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Yes, but I doubt they would be willing to help us afterwards.
- はい、けれども私は(彼・それ)らがその後我々に手を貸すことをいとわないであろうということを疑う。
We'll never get their help if we end up fighting them.
This way, they got us here without too much fuss.
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- But we can't get help unless they let us out of this cell!
- けれども我々は、(彼・それ)らが我々をこの細胞から出さなかったなら、手助けを得ることができない!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Shrouded in the shadows in the back of the room.]
- [部屋の後部で影で覆い隠された。]
Save your energy.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- Those guys won't do a thing without the Prince's permission.
- それらの男は王子 (Prince) の許可無しで1つのことをしないだろう。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Suspiciously.]
- [疑い深く。]
Who are you?
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- Me?
- 私か?
I'm an honest merchant who specializes in hard-to-get items and material transport.
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Deadpan to Kasuga.]
- [無表情に Kasuga に。]
A smuggler.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Probably a thief too.
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Indignantly.]
- [憤然として。]
They never proved that!
[Faked hurt tone as she grabs Katsu by the waist.]
[ Faked は、彼女がウエストによって Katsu をひっつかむ(時・から・につれて・ように)、堅固を傷つけた。]
Please protect me from those awful men!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Embarrassed.]
- [困らせられた。]
Let me go!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Shh!
- Shh !
[Motions towards the outer stairs.
As they go silent, the sounds of approaching footsteps can be heard.
A few moments later, the outer door is unlocked and two guards enter.
Behind them, a tall handsome figure enters, his mustache lending dignity to his face.]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- Are these the prisoners?
- これらは囚人か?
- Guard 1:
- 1を見張れ:
- [Salutes.]
- [あいさつする。]
Yes, my Prince!
はい、私の王子 (Prince) !
[Holds the torch closer to the cell to better illuminate the interior.]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Surprised expression.]
- [驚いている表現。]
Ahh ... .you ...か?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Bows slightly.]
- [わずかにお辞儀をする。]
Hello, Prince Hayashibara.
こんにちは、プリンス (Prince) Hayashibara 。
It's been a long time.
- [Cut back to the hallway outside Room #3.]
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。]
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Quietly croons.]
- [ Quietly は口ずさむ。]
Ohh...the handsome prince likes the warrior maid!
Ohh ... .the ハンサムな皇子が戦士お手伝いが好きだ!
[Rhetorically to Ayukawa.]
[修辞的に Ayukawa に。]
I wonder where she got that idea...?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Turns red.]
- [赤くなる。]
Th-that's probably just a coincidence!
Th − それは恐らくちょうど偶然の一致だ!
Princes and warriors are all over the place in fairy tales!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
Hmm...is it that obvious Hayashibara likes Ayukawa?
‖ふーん... Hayashibara にそれほど明白でそれを .is する‖ Ayukawa が好きである‖?
- Miyasato-tachi:
- Miyasato - tachi :
- [Coming from the front door.]
- [玄関から来る。]
What are all of you doing here?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Whispers.]
- [ささやき。]
Shh ・・・
[Motions to Yuko.]
[ユーコ (Yuko) に合図する。]
Come here...you're just in time.
‖ここに来て... .you する‖ちょうど間に合う‖。
You're being introduced now!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- Introduced?
- Introduced か?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Kimura's telling Eiji a story, but she's using all of us to tell it.
- Kimura は Eiji に物語を話している、しかし彼女はそれを告げるために我々のすべてを使っている。
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Wait a minute...what about me?
- ちょっと待って...私について .what する?
[Puts ear on door.]
- Egami:
- Egami :
- [Gruffly.]
- [ぶっきらぼうに。]
Wait your turn!
- [Cut to one of the main dining areas of the castle.
- [城の主な食事をしている区域の1つを切り変えろ。
Banners of various kingdoms and allegiances hang from the high ceiling.
Hayashibara sits at the head of the table, listening intently as Kasuga goes over the events of the past few ways.]
Hayashibara は、 Kasuga がこれまでの数方法の出来事を越える(時・から・につれて・ように)、熱心に聞いて、食卓の上座において座る。]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- I see...so this plague of evil isn't an isolated event.
- 分かった・・・ .so にこの悪の伝染病は孤立している出来事じゃない。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- We don't think so.
- 我々はそう思わない。
It's happening in several places at once.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- What's more, the methods for attack are similar.
- その上、攻撃のための方法は類似だ。
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Thoughtfully rubbing his clean-shaven face.]
- [思いにふけって彼のひげをそったばかりの顔をこする。]
I see...then whoever it is uses the same creatures to attack the villages?
分かった... .then がそれが誰であるとしても村を攻撃するために同じ生物を使うか?
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- Wait a minute!
- ちょっと待て!
I thought you said he had a mustache!
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- I did?
- 私はそうしたか?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- The creatures we saw were identical to the ones who attacked Ayukawa's village.
- 我々が見た生物は Ayukawa の村を攻撃した(の・もの・人)とまったく同じだった。
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [With a mustache.]
- [口ひげで。]
If so, then we face a great crisis.
Clearly, the evil wizard Tanaka-san has decided to expand his empire of evil.
明らかに、悪い魔法使い田中 (Tanaka) - san は彼の、悪の帝国を広げることに決めた。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- E-evil wizard?
- E - 悪い天才か?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Empire...?
- 帝国が・・・?
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- But you know...he looks so much more handsome without it!
- けれどもあなたが知っている... .he がそれ無しで本当にいっそうハンサムに見える!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Then we have to stop him!
- その時我々は彼を止めなければならない!
Could you tell us what you know about him?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Distracted manner without a mustache.]
- [口ひげがない気が散っている方法。]
Un 。
I've heard that he's a powerful dark lord of magic.
It was thought that his power was sealed away many years ago by...
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- But you should be consistent.
- けれどもあなたは一貫するべきだ。
I mean, I don't see you changing anyone else.
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- Hmm...ee tou...
- ふーん... .ee tou ・・・
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Snaps at the ceiling.]
- [天井にパクッとかみつく。]
Make up your mind!
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- Aa, sorry!
- すまなく思って、 Aa !
- [Cut to the remote reaches of the land.
- [土地の遠い範囲を切り変えろ。
With dark and stormy clouds perpetually overhead, the region has an ominous atmosphere of fear and dread.
In the center of the tallest mountain in the range, a dark and sinister-looking castle looms into the sky.
The castle is dark and foreboding with only one lit window visible from the outside.
Inside the main throne room, a hooded figure watches a large crystal ball with a thin cruel smile.]
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- [Pulls back his hood slowly.]
- [ゆっくりと彼のフードを引き戻す。]
The prince believes these foolish young people can stand again me...
[Pours himself a glass of blood-red wine.]
The game begins...
- [コマーシャル休憩。]
- [Cut to a junior high school.
- [中学校を切り変えろ。
Kurata runs down the hallway in a panic.
Kurata はパニックに陥っている廊下の下方に走る。
When she opens the door, she sees her classroom in complete chaos with objects being thrown back and forth and people chasing each other around the room.
Mitsuya is sitting in front of the class room crying.]
Mitsuya は泣いてクラス部屋の前(に・で)座っている。]
- Mitsuya:
- Mitsuya :
- [Crying at her desk.]
- [彼女の机において泣く。]
This is so terrible...!
Our classroom is going to lose its Internet access if we don't find a way to make it profitable!
- Kurata:
- Kurata :
- [Very rapidly.]
- [非常に急速に。]
Oh no oh no!
[Starts running around the room, waving her arms.]
What do we do?!?
What do we do?!?
Internet is supposed to be about having fun and writing love-letters!
インターネット (Internet) は楽しみを持って、そしてラブレターを書くことについてであることになっている!
- Hayama:
- Hayama :
- [Icy-calm.]
- [氷で覆われた冷静。]
Baka...You're an 11-year old girl.
Baka ... .You は11年の年がいった少女だ。
You can't vote and don't have a clue how big money-making companies make the money to buy the computers that give you that fancy Internet.
‖あなたは投票することができなくて、そして会社型を大金 - 作ってどのように手がかりを持っていない‖あなたにその空想的なインターネット (Internet) を与えるコンピュータを買う金‖。
So basically you don't have the slightest idea what you can really use the Internet for besides your silly ideas.
それで基本的にあなたはあなたがあなたの愚かな考えのほかに本当に何のためにインターネット (Internet) を使うことができるかの最もわずかな考えを持っていない。
- Kurata:
- Kurata :
- [Angrily.]
- [怒って。]
Hayama − akuma * ・・・
* 悪魔
- Logo:
- ロゴ:
- Work the Web.
- Web を操作しろ。
WWW.Lotus.Notes 。
- [Writer's Note: Standard Disclaimer.]
- [作家のメモ: 標準的な否認声明書。]
- [エンド (END) コマーシャル休憩。]
- [Cut back to the hallway outside Room #3.
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。
Everyone present is listening intently against the door.]
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Whispers.]
- [ささやき。]
This isn't fair!
My character hasn't even gotten to do anything yet!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Well, it's not like you can do anything about it.
- まあ、それはあなたがそれについて何もすることができるかのようじゃない。
You're in jail.
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- And that's another thing...why am I supposed to be a thief?
- そしてそれはもう1つのものだ... .why に私は泥棒であることになっているか?
[Look at the door.]
It's not like I stole anything from her.
- Egami:
- Egami :
- Well, it's about as believable as Kasuga-san being a wizard.
- ‖井戸は、それはについてである‖1天才 Kasuga - san 本質と比べて同じぐらい信じられる‖。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Oi...!
- Oi ・・・
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Shh...!
- Shh ・・・
I think she's continuing!
- [Cut to the next morning.
- [翌朝を切り変えろ。
The palace courtyard is filled with activity.
Katsu, Kasuga, and Ayukawa are on horses, with their equipment packed.
Katsu 、 Kasuga と Ayukawa はパックされて馬の上、(彼・それ)らの装置を持っている。
Behind them, a large company of men are making preparations for an extended campaign.
Hayashibara stands in front of the horses with a look of concern and hope.]
Hayashibara は心配と希望の一見で馬の前(に・で)立つ。]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- The castle is several days' ride from here.
- 城はここからの数日のドライブだ。
As I explained last night, it's protected by a powerful mystic field that prevents our armies from approaching directly.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Then how are we supposed to get past that?
- それならどのように我々はそれを通り抜けることになっているか?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- Tanaka had a student who might be able to help you.
- 田中 (Tanaka) はあなたに手を貸すことが可能であるかもしれない学生を持っていた。
She's supposed to be a pretty powerful sorceress in her own right, but she has no alliance with the Kingdom.
However, it's possible she might be willing to talk to a small group of you.
She lives in the mountain range to the north.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- OK.
- オーケー。
If she does have a solution, then what?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- We'll give you a week to make contact with her and bring the mystic wards down.
- 我々は彼女と連絡をして、そして神秘的な病棟を下降させるためにあなたに1週間を与えるだろう。
Once they're down, we'll lay siege to the castle.
Be careful, though; even without the field, many evil and powerful creatures serve him.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Whispers to Katsu.]
- [ Katsu にささやく。]
What's wrong?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Checks his poaches.]
- [彼のが密猟することを調べる。]
My picks and tweezers are missing.
I could have sworn I packed my set of chemistry tools.
- [Cut to the dungeon of the castle.
- [城の地下牢を切り変えろ。
Yuko looks around and sees no guards in the area.]
ユーコ (Yuko) は見回して、そしてその区域で見張り人に会わない。]
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Indignantly.]
- [憤然として。]
Of all the nerve of those two... calling me a thief!
[Pulls out a set of picks and tweezers and begins working on the lock.]
It's not like I stole everything he had...!
[After a few minutes, the cell door unlocks.]
- Figure in the shadows:
- 影で現われろ:
- [Mockingly.]
- [あざけるように。]
So...I see you haven't lost your touch...
それで・・・が .I にあなたがあなたの感触を失ったのを見る・・・。
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Apprehensively.]
- [心配そうに。]
Who's there...?!
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Menacingly as she steps out of the shadows.]
- [威嚇的に彼女が影から踏み出す(時・から・につれて・ように)。]
It's a shame you never learned to work for the winning side!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- Oh no!
- おお、ノー!
It's my evil twin Yoko!
それは私の悪い双子、ヨーコ (Yoko) 、だ!
- [Cut back to the corridor outside Room #3.]
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。]
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Angry whisper.]
- [腹を立てているささやき。]
- Everyone else:
- ほかの皆:
- Shhh...!
- Shhh ・・・
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Frustrated whisper.]
- [落胆したささやき。]
How come I'm always the "evil twin"?!
‖ How が来る‖私は常に「悪い双子」か?‖!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Whisper.]
- [ささやけ。]
At least you're not a thief!
- [Cut to Tanaka's castle.
- [田中 (Tanaka) の城を切り変えろ。
Yuko is bound and chained against a stone wall.
ユーコ (Yuko) はしばられて、そして石壁に対して鎖でつながれる。
As she struggles, she watches Tanaka talk to Yoko.]
彼女が闘う(時・から・につれて・ように)、彼女は田中 (Tanaka) がヨーコ (Yoko) に話をするのを見る。]
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- Let me go!
- 私に行かせろ!
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Would you shut up...?!
- あなたは・・・を閉じ込めるだろうか?!
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- [Cold amusement.]
- [寒い楽しみ。]
Let her rant...for all the good it will do...
彼女にどなりたてさせて...それがするであろうすべての善人を .for しろ・・・。
[Turns serious.]
Do you remember what to do?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Just so long as you remember to pay my fee.
- ちょうどあなたが私の料金を支払うことを忘れずにする限り。
[Turns towards Yuko.]
[ユーコ (Yuko) に向く。]
Unlike some people, I'm a professional thief.
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- [Eyes narrow.]
- [目が狭くなる。]
Then impress me with your professionalism.
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Tries to hide her exasperation.]
- [彼女のフラストレーションを隠そうとする。]
I'm supposed to infiltrate Kasuga's band of travelers, lead them into the mouth of the ancient dwarven mountains, then slip away when the oni attack.
私は Kasuga の、旅行者のバンドを潜入して、(彼・それ)らを古代の dwarven 山の口に導いて、 oni 攻撃である時、その時さっと消えることになっている。
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- For which you will be paid a substantial fee, of course.
- いずれのためにあなたが、もちろん、相当な料金を払われるだろうか。
[Gives Yoko a small badge.]
[ヨーコ (Yoko) に小さいバッジを与える。]
This will let the oni know you serve me, so they won't attack you.
これは oni をあなたが私に仕えることを知らせるだろう、それで(彼・それ)らはあなたを攻撃しないだろう。
Now go.
[Watches Yoko leave.]
[ヨーコ (Yoko) が去るのを見る。]
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- You dirty rotten b--[Interrupted by Tanaka slapping her across the face.]
- あなた汚い腐ったb − [顔の向こう側に彼女をたたきつけて田中 (Tanaka) によって遮られた。]
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- Such language!
- このような言語!
One would think you were a foul-mouthed commoner instead of a cultured professional that you claim to be.
[Calms down and them smiles sinisterly.]
But I forget my manners.
After all, with the Kingdom soon to be crushed beneath my boot, I can afford to be magnanimous.
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- You'll never make it!
- あなたは決してそれを作らないだろう!
Even Yoko would never do anything to kill so many people!
ヨーコ (Yoko) さえそれほど多くの人々を殺すために決して何もしないだろう!
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- Ahh...but your sister Yoko will soon no longer be in a position to do anything...
- Ahh ... .but にあなたの姉妹、ヨーコ (Yoko) 、は間もなくもう何もする立場にないだろう・・・。
[Smiles evilly.]
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Turns pale.]
- [曲がり角が見劣りがする。]
B-but...you made a deal with her!
B - しかし・・・ .you が彼女と一緒に取引をした!
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- Of course I did...I just didn't tell her the whole deal.
- もちろん私はそうした... .I がちょうど彼女に取引全体を話さなかった。
It's true that oni will be waiting for the heroes at the entrance of the cave.
oni が洞穴の入口において英雄を待っているであろうことは本当だ。
What I failed to mention was the ancient and powerful dragon who sleeps in the giant cavern just past the entrance.
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- D-dragon...?!
- D竜が・・・?!
- Tanaka:
- 田中 (Tanaka) :
- [Pours himself a brandy and takes a whiff.]
- [彼自身ブランデーを注いで、そしてぷんとくる臭いをとる。]
The dragon hates to be awaken.
When he does, he will destroy them all, except for the one I have chosen to be my consort.
Heheh...Sadly, your sister Yoko isn't the chosen one.
Heheh ... .Sadly に、あなたの姉妹、ヨーコ (Yoko) 、は選ばれた(の・もの・人)じゃない。
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- You dirty rotten b--
- あなたはひどいb − をよごす
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- Oneechan, can't you come up with any other dirty language than that?
- Oneechan 、あなたはそれより他のいかなるはしたない言葉も思い付くことができないか?
- Kimura Voiceover:
- Kimura ナレーション:
- [Embarrassed.]
- [困らせられた。]
Well...I mean...little kids shouldn't be hearing such harsh language!
まあ・・・ .I 平均... .little 子供たちがこのような厳しい言語を聞いているべきじゃない!
- Eiji Voiceover:
- Eiji ナレーション:
- [Exasperated.]
- [いら立たせられた。]
I heard it already...
- [Cut to the edge of the mountain range.
- [山脈の端を切り変えろ。
Visible across the horizon, the city skyline fades behind Kasuga, Katsu, and Ayukawa as they enter the range.]
地平線の向こう側に目に見えて、都市スカイラインは、(彼・それ)らが距離に入る(時・から・につれて・ように)、 Kasuga 、 Katsu と Ayukawa の後ろに消えていく。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- ...and so we decided to make our fortunes in the big city.
- ・・・が .and する、それで我々は大きい都市で我々の運をすることに決めた。
Both of us just got back from five years of study at our respective colleges.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [To Kasuga.]
- [ Kasuga に。]
And you decided on ... magic?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Since I was a little kid, I always seemed to have this...power to make things move.
- 私が少し年下であったので、私は常にこれ...ものを作る .power が動くようにするように思われた。
My grandfather said that I had inherited the power from our family bloodline and that the Wizardry school would be the best place to study.
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Since I didn't have any special power, I decided to study chemistry and alchemy.
- 私が特別な力を持っていなかったので、私は化学と錬金術を研究することに決めた。
[To Ayukawa.]
[ Ayukawa に。]
So...how did you become a warrior?
それで... .how にあなたは戦士になったか?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Well...my parents are very good musicians, but they tend to travel from village to village a lot performing.
- まあ... .my 親は非常に良いミュージシャンだ、しかし(彼・それ)らは能力を発揮して大いに村から村まで旅行する傾向がある。
I suppose I fell into the wrong crowd and had to learn to defend myself.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- That's rough.
- それはでこぼこだ。
[Long pause.]
Did you...ever find anyone sp...
あなたは・・・ .ever に誰にでも sp を見つけてやったか・・・。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Abruptly.]
- [突然に。]
Well, we'd better not let ourselves get distracted.
There's no telling who or what might be working with the evil wizard.
- [Cut to the cliff overlooking the valley.
- [谷を見晴らしているがけを切り変えろ。
Yoko watches the party's progress through a spy glass as she chews on a weed.]
ヨーコ (Yoko) は、彼女が雑草をそしゃくする(時・から・につれて・ように)、スパイコップを通してパーティーの進歩を見る。]
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Looking through a spy glass.]
- [スパイコップを調べる。]
There they are...
Just you wait...!
- [Cut back to the corridor outside Room #3.]
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Whispers.]
- [ささやき。]
You are so sneaky!
Can't you even challenge us face-to-face?
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Faked hurt tone.]
- [ Faked は堅固を傷つけた。]
How could you do such a thing?
Turn against your own sister for money?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Indignant whisper.]
- [憤慨しているささやき。]
D-don't put the blame on me!
‖D − ‖そうしない‖私に非難を置く‖!
[To the door.]
You'd think she'd be more grateful after I took her to a ball game!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Oh?
- おお?
And how did you treat her at the ball game?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- What do you mean by that?
- あなたはそれによって何を意味するか?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Weren't you the one who called her a putz who lived in her own little world?
- あなたは彼女自身の小さい世界に住んでいた彼女を putz と呼んだ(の・もの・人)じゃなかったか?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Off-guard.]
- [油断して。]
I-I didn't say that...exactly...
2は・・・が・・・を .exactly すると言わなかった。
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Aloof.]
- [よそよそしい。]
I see...
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Slightly nervous whisper to Kasuga.]
- [ Kasuga へのわずかに神経質なささやき。]
Kasuga-kun...you didn't tell her about...?
Kasuga - kun ... .you が・・・について彼女に話さなかったか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Shakes his head.]
- [彼の頭を振る。]
Not that I know of... she's just getting lucky...
[To himself.]
I hope...
- [Cut to the mountain range.
- [山脈を切り変えろ。
Kasuga, Katsu, and Ayukawa hide in some rock outcroppings as they scan the trail in both directions of the canyon.]
Kasuga 、 Katsu と Ayukawa は、(彼・それ)らが両方の峡谷の指示で痕跡を走査する(時・から・につれて・ように)、若干の岩 outcroppings で隠れる。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Whispers.]
- [ささやき。]
Are you sure about this?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Whispers.]
- [ささやき。]
I could have sworn I heard something!
[Her eyes narrow on a boulder in front of their path.]
Metal on rock maybe...
[To Katsu.]
[ Katsu に。]
Do you have any more of those foul-smelling mixtures?
[Gestures towards the boulder.]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
No problem.
[To Kasuga.]
[ Kasuga に。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Un 。
- [Katsu pulls out a two-chambered glass tube and lofts it over the boulder.
- [ Katsu は two-chambered ガラスチューブを引き抜いて、そして巨れきの上にそれを打ち上げる。
The tube shatters against the rocks, enabling the binary compounds to mix, rapidly causing a billowing cloud of noxious fumes.
Amid the cloud, a figure can been staggering out from behind the rocks and the sounds of choking and gagging can be heard.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Concentrates.]
- [集中する。]
Gotcha !
- [The figure is pulled towards the group and dropped to the ground in front of Ayukawa who readies her sword.
- [人物はグループに向かって引っ張られて、そして彼女の剣を用意する Ayukawa の前(に・で)地面に落とされる。
The group comes to a stop when the see who the figure is.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- You...!
- あなたは・・・!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- It's the thief from Guilder!
- それは Guilder からの泥棒だ!
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- I am not a thief!
- 私は泥棒じゃない!
[Sniffs her clothes and recoils.]
What is this stuff anyway?!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Methyl mercaptan mixed with butane and DMSO.
- メチル mercaptan がブタンと DMSO と交わった。
It should work its way out of your clothes and skin in a few days or so.
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- A-a few days?!
- A − 数日か?!
You mean I have to smell like this for a few days?!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Seriously with a pointed sword.]
- [ひどく鋭い剣で。]
If you don't explain what you were doing hiding behind that rock, you won't have to wait a few days!
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Aa...err...I heard about your mission and I came to help!
- Aa ... .err ・・・ .I があなたの使命について聞いた、そして私は手助けに到達した!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I see.
- 分かった。
And just how can we be sure we can trust you?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Because it's written in the script!
- なぜならそれは台本に書かれる!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Catches herself.]
- [彼女自身を捕える。]
Aa...I mean...if you fail, then I'm also going to suffer under that wizard's evil rule.
Aa ...卑劣な .I ・・・あなたが落第点を付ける .if 、そして次に私は同じくその天才の悪い統治で苦しむつもりである。
My many travels have taken me to many places, including the cave you're going to.
I can be your guide!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [After a moment's consideration.]
- [少し後で考慮がある。]
OK, I guess that makes sense.
Lead on then.
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [To herself.]
- [彼女自身に。]
Trusting fool...
[Starts ahead of the group and heads towards the cave.
Katsu and Ayukawa hesitate before proceeding.]
Katsu と Ayukawa は進む前にためらう。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- I guess we'll take whatever help we can get.
- 私は我々が我々が得ることができるどんなヘルプでもとるであろうと思う。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Maybe...
- 多分・・・。
[Starts off, then stops.]
Wait a minute...how did she know we were going to a cave?
ちょっと待つ... .how に彼女は我々が洞穴に行くことになっていたことを知っていたか?
- [Cut back to Room #3.]
- [部屋 # 3に削減しろ。]
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- So, she already figured out she was a traitor?
- それで、彼女はすでに彼女が裏切り者であったことが分かったか?
Did Madoka-oneechan stab Yoko-oneechan in the back?
Madoka - oneechan 突き刺しヨーコ (Yoko) - oneechan が後部でそうしたか?
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Shocked.]
- [衝撃を与えられた。]
Wh-what か?
That's a terrible thing to say!
Madoka-san would never do anything so devious as that!
Madoka - san が決してそれと比べて同じほどよこしまな何もしないだろう!
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Deadpan.]
- [無表情に。]
I see...and Yoko-oneechan would?
分かった... .and ヨーコ (Yoko) - oneechan がそうするだろうか?
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Freezes.]
- [凍る。]
まあ... .I ... .ahh ・・・
- [Cut back to the corridor outside Room #3.]
- [廊下に外(に・で・は)部屋 # 3を削減しろ。]
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Whispers.]
- [ささやき。]
So, you were going to stab me in the back?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- No way!
- 方法はなし!
When I threatened you, I was standing in front of you.
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- What about me?
- 私はどうか?
What's happening to me?!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- If Tanaka's an evil wizard, well, probably all manner of things!
- もし田中 (Tanaka) が悪い天才であるなら、まあ、恐らくあらゆる種類のもの!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Unless maybe you do what Yoko did and turn evil.
- 多分あなたがヨーコ (Yoko) がしたことをして、そして悪くならないなら。
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Oi!
- Oi !
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Indignantly.]
- [憤然として。]
No way!
Even if I am a thief, I would never be on the side of evil!
- Egami:
- Egami :
- That's true.
- それは本当だ。
Anyway, Tanaka the wizard already said you weren't good enough for him!
とにかく、田中 (Tanaka) 、天才、はすでにあなたが十分に彼に良くなかったと言った!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Big sweats.]
- [大きいトレーナー。]
- [Cut to a cavern deep under the mountain.
- [山の下で深い大洞窟を切り変えろ。
Inside, there are signs of a once-grand civilization, long-ago gone.
Carvings to various deities and prominent figures adorn the walls and ceilings.
Kasuga, Katsu, Ayukawa and Yoko step carefully as dust stirs with every step.]
Kasuga 、 Katsu 、 Ayukawa とヨーコ (Yoko) はすべてのステップでほこりかくはんとして慎重に踏み出す。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Admiring a carving of a gargoyle.]
- [ガーゴイルの彫刻を尊敬する。]
Wow...this thing almost looks real!
Wow ... .this ことがほとんど真に見える!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- So this was the "Great Dwarven Mountain"?
- それでこれは「重大な Dwarven 山」だったか?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
What do you know about it?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Well, according to my Wizard classes, the Dwarven center of civilization was here over 1000 years ago.
- まあ、私の魔法使いクラスによれば、文明の Dwarven センターは1000年以上前にここにあった。
They were supposed to be master craftsmen and traded with other races until some great earthquake changed the structure of the mountain, leaving these caverns unstable.
They say a lot of the Dwarven people are buried here...
(彼・それ)らは Dwarven の人々の多くがここで埋葬されると言う・・・。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Fearfully.]
- [おそるおそる。]
A lot of old ghosts...!
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Deviously to herself.]
- [彼女自身への Deviously 。]
And a few new ones pretty soon...
[With trained movements, Yoko slips away from the party.
[訓練された運動で、ヨーコ (Yoko) はパーティーから姿を消す。
On the ground away from the others, she sees signs of fresh intrusion.]
That must be them.
[Pulls out her badge, and listens carefully and is rewarded by the barely audible sounds of several swords being carefully pulled out of their sheaves.
To Kasuga as she returns to the group.]
Kasuga に彼女がグループに戻る(時・から・につれて・ように)。]
I think we should go this way.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Is this they way out?
- 方法で外にこれは(彼・それ)らか?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Yes.
- はい。
Your destination should be on the other side of the mountain pass at the end of the cave system.
- [As they proceed, Yoko deliberately slows her pace, letting the others pass her.
- [(彼・それ)らが進む(時・から・につれて・ように)、ヨーコ (Yoko) は、他の(人達・物)に彼女を追い越させて、故意に彼女のペースを遅くする。
As soon as she is behind the three of them, she starts running away from them.]
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Now!
- 今!
- [Without warning, a dozen oni of various sizes, armed with several different weapons come pouring out of concealed locations.]
- [警告しないで、1ダース異なった武器が流れ出て来るいくつかで武装された種々の大きさの oni が場所を隠した。]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- I knew it!
- 私はそれを知っていた!
[Readies her sword.]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Shoot!
- 撃て!
We're sitting ducks!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Concentrates.]
- [集中する。]
Head for the end of the corridor!
[Oni in front of them look surprised as unseen energy picks them up and hurls them aside, leaving the front corridor clear.
[(彼・それ)らの前の Oni は、前の廊下を透明なままにしておいて、人目につかずにエネルギーが(彼・それ)らを拾い上げて、そしてわきに(彼・それ)らを投げる(時・から・につれて・ように)驚いているように見える。
Behind them and to their flanks, the Oni charge.]
(彼・それ)らの後ろにそして(彼・それ)らの側面、 Oni 料金に。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Kasuga!
- Kasuga !
[Pulls out another two-chambered vial filled with tin tetrachloride and ammonia and throws it into the crowd.
[もう1つの錫 tetrachloride とアンモニアで満たされた two-chambered 小瓶を引き抜いて、そしてそれを群衆の中に投げ入れる。
Billowing smoke immediately appears, blocking the oni's line of sight.]
すぐに煙をふくらませることは、 oni の視線をふさいで、現われる。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Runs to follow Katsu and Ayukawa.]
- [ Katsu と Ayukawa の後に従うために走る。]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Throws three picks at the first wave of charging oni, disabling them.]
- [ oni をつけで買って、(彼・それ)らに障害を与えることについての最初の波において3つのピックを投げる。]
I thought there was something wrong with her!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Worry about that later!
- 後にそれのことで心配しろ!
Let's go!
- [The three run down the corridor, with Ayukawa guarding their rear flank.
- [3は、 Ayukawa が(彼・それ)らの後部の側面を見張るという状態で、廊下の下方に走る。
Behind them, the oni charge ahead, bellowing rage and anger.
(彼・それ)ら、前方の、激怒と怒りを怒鳴っている oni 料金の後ろに。
In front of them, the corridor opens up and Kasuga and Katsu take up flanking positions at the cul-du-sac as Ayukawa assumes point to the charging oni.
(彼・それ)らの前(に・で)、廊下は開かれる、そして Kasuga と Katsu は、 Ayukawa が突進している oni にポイントを仮定する(時・から・につれて・ように)、 cul − du − サックへのポジションの側面に置き始める。
Just then, a loud crashing sound is heard echoing throughout the cave.
Upon hearing this, the rest of the oni flee immediately.]
これを聞くや否や、 oni の残りがすぐに逃げる。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- What the-?!
- ‖何‖ − か?‖!
[Hears the sound again.]
That's no oni!
それは oni じゃない!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Hears the sound again.]
- [再び音を聞く。]
Sounds regular...like footsteps!
レギュラー... .like 足音を鳴らす!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Hears the sound again.]
- [再び音を聞く。]
Big footsteps...coming this way!
大きい足跡が・・・このように .coming する!
- [Just then, a giant reptilian foot comes down right in front of them.
- [ちょうどその時、巨大なは虫類のフィートが(彼・それ)らの真正面(に・で)低下する。
Looking up, Ayukawa, Kasuga, and Katsu are momentarily paralyzed with fear as a dragon stands before them, with flames flickering in his mouth and an evil expression blazing from his eyes.
見上げて、 Ayukawa 、 Kasuga と Katsu は、竜が、炎が彼の目から燃え上がって彼の口と悪い表現でゆらめくという状態で、(彼・それ)らの前に立つ(時・から・につれて・ように)、しばらく恐れで身がすくむ。
Seeing his prey, the dragon roars a deafening bellow of rage.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- D-dragon!
- D竜!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- It's huge!
- それは巨大だ!
And it's blocking our way!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- We've got to get past this big monster and reach the sorceress!
- 我々はこの大きい怪物を通り抜けて、そして魔女と連絡を取らなければならない!
If we don't, then the Guilderian army will never survive!
もし我々がそうしないなら、 Guilderian 陸軍は決して生き残らないだろう!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Then we can hold it off!
- その時我々はそれを遅らせることができる!
[To Katsu.]
[ Katsu に。]
Katsu !
We'll lead it away!
You've got to get to the sorceress and get her to help you take those wards down!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- You can't expect me to leave you two behind!
- あなたは私が後ろにあなたに2を残すことを期待することができない!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- If one of us doesn't reach that sorceress, the whole Kingdom will suffer!
- もし我々の1人がその魔女と連絡を取らないなら、王国全体は苦しむだろう!
It's be OK!
We'll be right behind you; I promise!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Hesitates, then briefly takes Kasuga's hand.]
- [ためらって、その時手短かに Kasuga の手をつかむ。]
Good luck!
[Runs down the side corridor and disappears around the corner.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Take Kasuga's hand.]
- [ Kasuga の手をつかめ。]
Let's go!
We've got to buy Katsu some time!
我々は Katsu に若干の時間を買わなければならない!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Un !
- [Ayukawa and Kasuga run away with the dragon's crashing footsteps right behind them.
- [ Ayukawa と Kasuga は竜が(彼・それ)らのすぐ後ろに足跡を破壊することで逃走する。
They find a small passage on the side of the main cavern and enter, trying to lose the dragon in smaller corridors.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Running through the corridors.]
- [廊下を通してのラニング (Running) 。]
You're supposed to be a wizard!
Do you have any magic that can affect it?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Shakes head as he runs.]
- [彼が走る(時・から・につれて・ように)、長を振る。]
Nothing that big, no!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Turns the corner, then comes to a sudden stop as she faces a solid wall of rock.]
- [角を曲がる、彼女が岩の堅実な壁に直面する(時・から・につれて・ように)、その時突然の停止に到達する。]
Kasuga-kun, we're trapped!
Kasuga - kun 、我々はわなにかけられる!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Frantically looks over the cave wall.]
- [ Frantically は洞穴壁をざっと調べる。]
There's got to be another way around!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Turns around and freezes as the dragon reaches them.]
- [竜の周りの順番とそれとしてのフリーズは(彼・それ)らに達する。]
I-it's no use!
私 − それは無駄だ!
There's no way out!
- [Seeing his prey stop, the dragon rears back as he inhales deeply.
- [彼のえじきがストップするのを見て、竜は、彼が深く吸入する(時・から・につれて・ように)、後部を持ち上げる。
Kasuga and Ayukawa cringe in anticipation as he breathes...]
Kasuga と Ayukawa は、彼が呼吸する(時・から・につれて・ように)、予期ですくむ・・・。]
- [Cut back to Room #3 at Seishun-kan.
- [ Seishun - kan において部屋 # 3に削減しろ。
Eiji is leaning forward as he hangs on Kimura's every word.]
Eiji は、彼が Kimura のすべての言葉に注意を集中する(時・から・につれて・ように)、前方へ寄りかかっている。]
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [In reverie.]
- [空想で。]
"...and breathed fire onto the helpless couple.
「・・・が無力なカップルにささやかれた非難を .and する。
The flames filled the corner of the room; nowhere to run, nowhere to go..."
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Bursts out after a few moments.]
- [少数の瞬間の後に外に破裂する。]
What happened next?!
Did they die?!
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- Well, [Looks up at the desk clock.]
- まあ、[机時計を見上げる。]
Oh my...!
Look at the time!
You poor thing...I kept you up way too long!
あなたかわいそうなもの・・・ .I があなたを進路を上にのぼってあまりにも長い状態に保った!
[With concern.]
If you don't get some rest, you'll never get better.
[Starts to tuck Eiji back into bed.]
[ベッドの中に後ろに Eiji を押し込み始める。]
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Indignantly.]
- [憤然として。]
‖・・・ − wh に − 何を Wh する?!‖?
How am I supposed to get back to sleep after you leave me hanging like that?!
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Unsure.]
- [自信がない。]
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [Firmly.]
- [固く。]
If you don't finish that story, I'll never get any sleep.
- Kimura:
- Kimura :
- [Thinks for a moment, then acquiesces.]
- [ Thinks は瞬間で、その時黙認する。]
まあ... .OK !
- 続けられること・・・。
New Character Designer/Writer Stephen Tsai
Pre-readers Robert Carragher
Herbert Fung
Daniel Lee
Vladimir Zelevinsky
Very special thanks to Hitoshi Doi
新しいキャラクタ (Character) デザイナー/作家 ステファン (Stephen) Tsai 読者前 そうするためのロバート (Robert) Carragher ハーバート (Herbert) Fung ダニエル (Daniel) ・リー (Lee) ・ウラジミール (Vladimir) Zelevinsky Very 特別な感謝 Hitoshi Doi (Hitoshi Doi)
A tip of the hat and a deep bow to Matsumoto Izumi for starting
the whole thing
帽子とそうするための深いリボンの1つの助言 こと全体を始めることに対して松本和泉 (Matsumoto Izumi)
If I left anyone off, my apologies.
Any mistakes/embarrassing faux pas
are entirely my own.
どんなミスでも / 恥ずかしい過失が完全に私自身のものだ。
If there is anything here you must flame, mail
them to stsai@netcom.com.
もしここに何かがあるなら、あなたは stsai@netcom.com に(彼・それ)らを攻撃して、郵送しなくてはならない。
Thank you for taking the time to read this episode of my series.
I've got the next episode in the works.
Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again!
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Changes last made on: Mon May 11 13:22:04 1998
「5月11日月曜日」の最後にされた変更 13:22:04 1998