- [Cut to the Butsumetsu Journalism building.
- [ Butsumetsu ジャーナリズム建物を切り変えろ。
Inside the main press room, there's a great deal of activity as several students and teaching assistants work at their desks or talk to one another.
A chalkboard on the wall details schedules and writing tasks, reminding everyone that the next school newspaper's due date is approaching.
At Oda's desk, Kasuga is going over his next week's assignment.]
Oda の机において、 Kasuga は彼の次の週の宿題を越えている。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Special assignment?
- 特別な割当てか?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Un 。
Doko-sempai* thought you did very well on the interview last week.
Doko − sempai * はあなたが先週インタビューに順調にやったと思った。
He asked me to tell you that he thought your second-half questions showed some initiative.
Next time though, he wants you to make sure not to omit any of the prepared questions.
*Older student/senior
* もっと年がいった学生/最上級生
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Ah, un.
ああ、 un 。
- Oda:
- Oda :
- Personally, I thought you were very good.
- 個人的に、私はあなたが非常に良かったと思った。
You really went after him like a real reporter.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Smiles.]
- [微笑する。]
By the way, what is this special assignment?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- Well....
- まあ・・・。
[Looks over her desk, covered with papers and incoming letters.]
I must have left it on Doko-sempai's out tray.
私はトレーの外に Doko - sempai の上にそれを去ったに違いない。
Just a minute.
[Gets up and walks towards the exit to the next block of offices.]
- [As she leaves, Kasuga's curiosity gets the better of him and he looks over some of the letters on Oda's desk.]
- [彼女が去る(時・から・につれて・ように)、 Kasuga の好奇心は彼を負かす、そして彼は Oda の机の上に手紙の若干をざっと調べる。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Reading.]
- [読書。]
Dear Oda-san,
親愛なる Oda - san 、
I have recently moved into this part of the world and have met a very nice young man I call "Y-chan".
私は最近世界のこの部分に引っ越して、そして私が「Y - chan 」と呼ぶ非常にすてきな若者に会った。
He is in love with another girl who I call "M-chan".
彼は私が「M - chan 」と呼ぶもう1人の少女に恋愛中だ。
Unfortunately, she only has eyes for his best friend "T-san".
不幸にも、彼女は彼の親友「T - san 」のためにただ目を持つだけだ。
I consider it my duty as a friend to help him find romance in his life but I am finding it difficult to keep that in mind.
I'm not the one that supposed to fall in love!
What should I do?
Yours truly,
敬具 「A - chan 」。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
Wow...some story....
Wow ... .some 物語・・・。
And Oda-san has to answer this kind of questions every week?
そして Oda - san が毎週この種類の問題に答えなければならないか?
[Reads an attached draft of response.]
Dear A-chan,
親愛なるA - chan 、
My advice for you is to follow what your heart is saying - and go for it!
私のあなたのためのアドバイスはあなたの心が示していることの後に続いて − そしてそれに当てはまるはずだ!
If "M-chan" cannot see what a wonderful guy "Y-chan" is, then don't waste your life away wondering what might have happened.
もし「M - chan 」が素晴らしい男「Y - chan 」がそうであるものを見ることができないなら、何が起きたかもしれないかと思って離れてあなたの生活を浪費するな。
Maybe you should help "T-san" see just how devoted "M-chan" is, and be happy yourself with "Y-chan".
多分あなたは「T - san 」がちょうど「M - chan 」がどれぐらい献身的であるか見て、そしてあなた自身「Y - chan 」に満足しているのを手伝うべきだ。
If you don't, you may regret losing the chance!
Oda - san
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Hmm....
- ふーん・・・。
[Reaches for the next letter.]
Dear Oda-san,
親愛なる Oda - san 、
I am a professional tennis coach who graduated from school a few years ago.
I am attracted to a beautiful lady who I call "K-san" for now.
私は私がしばらくは「K - san 」と呼ぶ美しい婦人に魅せられている。
"K-san" is a manager of a boarding house.
「K - san 」は下宿屋のマネージャーだ。
But she seems to have feelings for one of the tenants of her house.
This guy, who I call "Y-kun", is a complete loser!
私が「Y - kun 」と呼ぶこの男は完全な敗者だ!
He's stupid and can't even manage his own affairs, let alone take care of a lady like "K-san".
彼は愚かであって、そして、「K - san 」のような婦人の面倒を見るはいうまでもなく、彼自身の問題を処理しさえすることができない。
She seems to like me, and I'm confident that she would be so much better with me than him.
How do I gently get her to realize this without offending her?
「 S.M. 。」
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
Wow... that's hard to believe....
Wow ...それは信じることが難しい・・・。
[Reads the attached draft.]
Dear "S.M",
親しい「 S.M. 」、
Clearly, K-san would be better off with a successful professional coach than a loser like "Y-kun".
明らかに、K - san は1「Y - kun 」のような敗者より成功したプロのコーチでより良いだろう。
You should start inviting her out on dates and explaining that her feelings are simply a matter of her confusing professional concern for tenants with personal feelings.
Go for it!
Don't look back and have faith that she will eventually see your true feelings.
Oda - san
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Glances over several of Oda's replies to various other letters.]
- [種々の他の手紙に Oda の答えのいくつかをちらっと見る。]
"...Go for it...", "...go for it..."?
「・・・・・・それのために .Go する」、「・・・・・・それのために .go する」?
Oda-san really likes to tell people to go for it.
Oda - san が本当に人々にそれのために行くように言うことを好む。
[Picks up the next letter.]
Dear Oda-san,
親愛なる Oda - san 、
I am a second year student in the college.
I have a friend with a relationship problem.
You see, my friend dates this guy who I'll call "K-san".
いいか、私の友人は私が「K - san 」と呼ぶであろうこの男とデートする。
They've been dating since Junior High.
(彼・それ)らは中学 (Junior High) から(今まで)デートしていた。
"K-san" is a little indecisive, but he's a nice guy.
「K - san 」は少し優柔不断だ、しかし彼はすてきな男だ。
However, my friend recently met "H-san", who is really nice.
しかしながら、私の友人は最近本当にすてきな「H - san 」に立ち向かった。
He is also handsome, athletic, and comesfrom a rich family.
彼は同じくハンサムで、運動競技だ、そして金持ちの家族を comesfrom しろ。
Recently, "H-san" has been making it clear that he would really like to go steady with my friend.
最近、「H - san 」が(今まで)彼が本当に私の友人と一緒に安定しに行くことを好むであろうことを明確にしていた。
Should she stick with "K-san" or try her luck with "H-san"?
彼女は「K - san 」をこつこつ続けるか、あるいは「H - san 」で彼女の運を試みるべきか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
Boy, they're in a real jam....
[Thinks about it.]
Wait a minute....
"K-san"... indecisive...
「K - san 」...優柔不断である・・・。
"H-san"... athletic...
「H - san 」...運動競技である・・・。
[Thinks some more.]
It can't be....
- [Fade to imagination.]
- [想像力に薄れていけ。]
- SD Ayukawa:
- SD Ayukawa (SD Ayukawa) :
- [Looking indecisive between SD Kasuga and SD Hayashibara.]
- [ SD Kasuga (SD Kasuga) と SD Hayashibara (SD Hayashibara) の間に優柔不断に見える。]
Should she stick with "K-san" or try her luck with "H-san"?
彼女は「K - san 」をこつこつ続けるか、あるいは「H - san 」で彼女の運を試みるべきか?
- SD Oda:
- SD Oda (SD Oda) :
- [Holding victory fans.]
- [勝利ファンを持つ。]
Go for it!
- [Fade back to reality.]
- [現実に薄れていけ。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Shakes head vigorously.]
- [一生懸命に長を振る。]
Nononono ・・・
- Oda:
- Oda :
- [Coming back from the other room.]
- [他の部屋から帰る。]
Hey, Kasuga, what are you doing?
おい、 Kasuga 、あなたは何をしているか?
[Takes the letter.]
These are supposed to be private.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Ah, sorry!
- ああ、すまなく思っている!
[Forces himself to be calm.]
I guess I was just... a little curious... what was going to be in the next week's edition.
- Oda:
- Oda :
- [Sagely.]
- [賢明に。]
If people knew their letters were being read by strangers, no one would confide in me!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- But these letters are going to be read by the whole campus in the next week's newspaper!
- けれどもこれらの手紙は次の週の新聞でキャンパス全体によって読まれようとしている!
- Oda:
- Oda :
- [Red-faced.]
- [赤ら顔だ。]
That's beside the point!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Alright.
- 承知した。
[Thinks for a moment.]
Do you actually know who "A" is?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- Not really.
- 本当にではなく。
Most people who write in don't use their real names for obvious reasons.
Sometimes they use initials, and sometimes they use vague descriptions.
Sometimes people are so shy, they write letters about "their friend" when they really mean themselves.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- "Their friend...?"
- 「(彼・それ)らの友人・・・」。
Ahh... by the way... that last letter...how are you going to answer it?
Ahh ...方法...その最後の手紙によって... .how にあなたはそれに答えるつもりか?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- Oh, that's easy.
- おお、それは易しい。
"A's friend" should go for it!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Eh?!?
- ‖ Eh か?!‖?
But what about m...
I mean... that guy, "K-san"?
私が意味する...その男、「K - san である」か?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- But the letter says "H-san" is handsome, nice - and he sounds like a really cool guy!
- けれども手紙は「H - san 」がハンサムで、すてきであると言う − そして彼は本当に冷たい男のように聞こえる!
If she doesn't at least try, she'll always wonder just what could have happened if she tried!
Life's too short to go through it with regrets of what might have been!
Besides, if this "K-san" was a real man, he would simply take her into his arms and the situation would not be what it is now.
その上、もしこの「K - san 」が本当の男であったなら、彼はただ彼女を彼の腕に連れて行くだろう、そして状態はそれが今そうであるものじゃないだろう。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- B-but...!
- B - しかし・・・
- Oda:
- Oda :
- [Calms down.]
- [落ち着く。]
Anyway, back to your assignment.
Doko-sempai wants you to do a personal interview with Hayashibara-san.
Doko - sempai があなたが Hayashibara - san との個人的なインタビューをすることを望む。
It's going to be our feature story for the next sports page.
[Hands Kasuga a list of questions.]
[ Kasuga に問題のリストを手渡す。]
He also asked me to make sure you ask every one of these.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Looks over the questions.]
- [問題をざっと調べる。]
‖ EH か?!‖?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- What's the matter?
- 何が問題か?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Doko-sempai wants me to ask Hayashibara-san... these questions?!?
- ‖ Doko - sempai が私が Hayashibara - san ...これらの問題を求めることを望む?!‖?
- Oda:
- Oda :
- Oh, what's the big deal?
- おお、重要な事柄は何か?
It's just your usual "personal-interview" type of questions.
It's not like he's going to start romancing girls right in front of you.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods nervously.]
- [神経質にうなずく。]
Ah... un....
ああ... un ・・・
- Kasuga Narration:
- Kasuga ナレーション:
- As I looked over the questions Oda-san gave me, I felt my indecisiveness coming back.
- 私が Oda - san が私に与えた問題をざっと調べた(時・から・につれて・ように)、私は私の優柔不断が戻って来るのを感じた。
I knew she had helped me get this position and I didn't want to let her down.
- [Cut to next day at the Butsumetsu Chemistry building.
- [ Butsumetsu 化学建物において次の日を切り変えろ。
It is a five story brick structure, with large open windows; it's located between the mathematics and physics departments.
Inside one of the laboratories, Katsu looks over Kasuga's notepad while keeping an eye on a beaker with boiling liquid.]
試験所の1つの中に、 Katsu は、液体を沸かすことでビーカーを見張り続ける間に、 Kasuga のメモ用紙をざっと調べる。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- So, you're supposed to ask him these questions?
- それで、あなたは彼にこれらの質問をすることになっているか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Un 。
The questions aren't really a big deal.
It's the answers I'm a little worried about.
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
Didn't Hayashibara-san say he was going to stay out of your way?
Hayashibara - san が彼が道を外れて滞在しようとしていたと言わなかったか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Well, yeah...
- まあ、はい・・・。
But even though he says that, I know he cares for her.
Also... the "Dear Oda-san" column received a letter that's got me worried....
同じく...「高価な Oda - san 」縦列は私を心配させた手紙を受け取った・・・。
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Eh?!?
- ‖ Eh か?!‖?
You're "Oda-san"?
あなたは「 Oda - san 」か?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Embarrassed as he shakes head vigorously.]
- [彼が一生懸命に長を振る(時・から・につれて・ように)、困らせられた。]
No, no!
I just know Oda-san from Junior High.
私はちょうど Oda - san を中学 (Junior High) から区別する。
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Whew...!
- Whew ・・・
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Why were you so shocked?
- なぜあなたはそれほどショックを受けたか?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Well... the column's replies tend to read like a girl talking.
- まあ・・・縦列の答えは話をしている少女のように読む傾向がある。
Besides, Oda-san hasn't answered mine letter yet....
その上、 Oda - san がまだ私の手紙に答えていない・・・。
[Pulls boiling beaker off the heater and pours the contents into a large flask using a funnel.
The contents proceed to change color and deposit particulate in the bottom.
内容はカラーを変えて、そして底で particulate を預けることを次に行う。
Katsu then drops the test-tube into a centrifuge and turns it on.]
Katsu は遠心分離機の中にその時試験管を落として、そしてそれをオンにする。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Your letter?
- あなたの手紙か?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Come on, Kasuga-san.
- さあ早く、 Kasuga - san 。
You don't think I spend my whole life behind a test-tube, do you?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Well, no.
- まあ、いいえ。
I guess not.
Is there something going on?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Well....
- まあ・・・。
- [There is almost a full minute of silence, the only thing heard being the motor of the test-tube centrifuge.]
- [ほとんどフルの1分の静寂がある、唯一のことは試験管遠心分離機のモーターであって聞いた。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Suppose I told you that... a friend of mine likes a certain girl.
- 私があなたにそれを話したとすれば...私の友人がある少女が好きだ。
He wants to go out with her, but he's too worried if she likes him, too.
So, instead, he hides behind another friend, all the while sending messages to that girl, helping her out, and wishing her the best.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I know what you mean.
- 私はあなたが何を意味するか知っている。
Believe me, it's tough to make that kind of commitment, but I can tell you it will save a lot of pain later.
My advice is that Saito should make up his mind and tell either Yuko or this Chun-Li how he feels.
私のアドバイスはサイトウ (Saito) が彼の心を決めて、そしてユーコ (Yuko) あるいはこの Chun - 李 (Chun - Li) に彼がどのように感じるか言うべきであるということだ。
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Face-faults.]
- [顔欠陥。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- What's wrong?
- どうかしたのか?
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- Ah... no!
- ああ...いいえ!
I mean... you're probably right!
- [Just then, the door to the lab opens.]
- [ちょうどその時、研究室へのドアは開く。]
- Miyasato-tachi*:
- Miyasato − tachi * :
- [In unison.]
- [一斉に。]
Kasuga - san !
*The Miyasatos
* Miyasatos
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Annoyed.]
- [悩ませられた。]
I already told you I couldn't get his autograph!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- No, not that....
- いいえ、それではなく・・・
[Thinks it over.]
Well, ok, *that*.
まあ、オーケー、 * それ * 。
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- We heard you'll be doing a personal interview with Hayashibara Akira.
- 我々はあなたが Hayashibara アキラ (Hayashibara Akira) との個人的なインタビューをしているであろうということを耳にした。
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Deadpan to Kasuga.]
- [無表情に Kasuga に。]
Word travels fast.
Word は速く旅行する。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Th-that's right, I will.
Th − それは正しい、私はそうするだろう。
How did you two find out so fast?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Proudly.]
- [誇らしげに。]
That's easy.
My very cool boyfriend hacked into your user account on the Journalism computer.
He said to tell you not to make your password so obvious next time.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Annoyed.]
- [悩ませられた。]
Why you...!
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Coolly.]
- [冷たく。]
Is this the "very cool boyfriend" you've never met?
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Indignantly.]
- [憤然として。]
I-it's not like that at all!
私 − それはまったくそのようじゃない!
Our relationship is based on mutual understanding.
He respects my intellect!
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Thoughtfully, to herself.]
- [思いにふけって、彼女自身に。]
That's strange...
Saito-san was the one who told me about this interview.
サイトウ (Saito) - san はこのインタビューについて私に話した(の・もの・人)だった。
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- Anyway, you'll have the perfect chance to get that autograph you missed last time!
- とにかく、あなたはあなたがこの間ミスしたそのサインを受信する完ぺきなチャンスを持つだろう!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I told you two that Sakai-sempai doesn't approve of abusing interviews for personal favors.
- 私はあなた2にサカイ (Sakai) - sempai が個人的な親切な行為のためにインタビューを乱用することを承認しないと言った。
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- But you're doing this interview without her, right?
- けれどもあなたは彼女、権利無しでこのインタビューをしているか?
Besides, [Points dramatically.]
Besides 、[劇的に指さす。]
any true journalist knows there are times you must take risks!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I see.
- 分かった。
So how much are you going to pay for the risk?
- Miyasato-tachi:
- Miyasato - tachi :
- [Surprised, in unison.]
- [一斉に、驚いている。]
... .hah ・・・?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- You two have been charging everyone else to do favors, and I don't think that's fair.
- あなた2は(今まで)ほかの皆に親切な行為をするように命じていた、そして私はそれが公正であると思わない。
Actually, I don't really want money.
But it still doesn't feel good when your friends charge you for favors.
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Looking down.]
- [元気がなく見える。]
- Yuko:
- ユーコ (Yuko) :
- [Resigned sigh.]
- [諦めているため息。]
Yoko, I think he's got us....
ヨーコ (Yoko) 、私は彼が我々を持っていると思う・・・。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Alright, I'll try to do it - for free.
- 承知した、私はそれをしようとするだろう − ただで。
No promises, though.
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- A-alright.
- 問題なく − 。
We'd be... grateful for your effort.
- [Both twins leave.]
- [両方の双子が去る。]
- Katsu:
- Katsu :
- [Impressed.]
- [感銘を与えられた。]
I was wondering when someone would get around to feeding them their own medicine.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Shrugs.]
- [肩をすくめる。]
It's just that someone had to teach those two a lesson sooner or later.
- [Cut to the next day at the Student Union.
- [学生会館 (Student Union) において次の日を切り変えろ。
Kasuga walks down a hallway with his notepad and micro-tape-recorder in hand.
Kasuga は手元に彼のメモ用紙と超小型テープレコーダーで廊下の下方に歩く。
He reaches the reserved room and opens the door.
He freezes at the sight of Ayukawa sitting next to Hayashibara with their arms around each other as they are about to kiss.]
彼は、(彼・それ)らがキスしようとしている(時・から・につれて・ように)、お互いの周りに(彼・それ)らの腕で Ayukawa を見て Hayashibara の次に座っているように凍結する。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Shocked.]
- [衝撃を与えられた。]
Wh-what th...?!?
‖ Wh-what th が・・・?!‖?
[Notepad drops out of his hand.]
[ Notepad は彼の手をやめる。]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Pauses and smiles.]
- [ポーズ (Pauses) と微笑。]
So, Kasuga-san... does this answer your newspaper's question about my girlfriend?
それで、 Kasuga - san が・・・この答えにあなたの新聞の、私のガールフレンドについての質問をするか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- It... can't be...!
- それは・・・・・・であるはずがない!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Swooning in Hayashibara's arms.]
- [ Hayashibara の腕で気が遠くなる。]
Sorry about this, Kasuga-kun... but Oda-san told me to go for it.
これをすまなく思って、 Kasuga - kun が・・・、しかし Oda - san が私にそれのために行くように言った。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Shaking his head in disbelief...]
- [疑いで彼の頭を振る・・・。]
Ayukawa !
- [...and waking up.]
- [・・・が目覚めて .and する。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Sitting up in his futon yelling.]
- [叫んで彼の futon できちんと座る。]
... .WAAAAAA!!! !
- Eiji:
- Eiji :
- [From Room #3.]
- [スペースからの # 3。]
Kaachan*, he's doing it again!
‖ Kaachan ‖ * 、彼‖再びそれをしている‖!
* ママ
- Miyasato-tachi:
- Miyasato - tachi :
- [From Room #2.]
- [スペースからの # 2。]
Be quiet!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Panting and sweating with fear.]
- [あえいで、そして恐れで汗をかく。]
Dream... it was just a dream.
[Calms down and looks at the clock.
It's almost 6am.]
I guess I may as well get up.
[Kasuga goes out to the public sink with his usual toiletries and cleans himself up.
[ Kasuga は彼のいつもの化粧洗面用品で公共のシンクまで及んで、そして彼自身を掃除する。
As he brushes his teeth, he freezes up.]
Wait a minute...!
What if this was a premonition dream?!?
- [コマーシャル休憩。]
- [Cut to the supermarket.
- [スーパーマーケットを切り変えろ。
A tall handsome blond guy and a short red-haired girl are walking along the aisle, pushing a shopping cart in front of them.
背が高いハンサムなブロンドの男と背が低い赤によって haired された少女が通路に沿って歩いて、(彼・それ)らの前(に・で)買い物カートを押している。
The girl suddenly stops and points at the shelf.]
- Miki:
- 三木 (Miki) :
- Say, Yuu, let's get some marmalade!
- セイ (Say) 、 Yuu 、若干のマーマレードを手に入れよう!
- Yuu:
- Yuu :
- [Looks skeptically at the shelf.]
- [懐疑的に棚を見る。]
This marmalade?
I don't like it.
It has added sugar.
- Miki:
- 三木 (Miki) :
- No, it doesn't!
- いいえ、それはそうしない!
It's Smuckers 100% natural marmalade - it's sweetened with natural fruit juices!
それは Smuckers 100%自然のマーマレードだ − それは自然の果物ジュースで甘くされる!
- Yuu:
- Yuu :
- Then it must be bitter.
- それでそれは苦いに違いない。
- Miki:
- 三木 (Miki) :
- No, it's really sweet.
- いいえ、それは本当に甘い。
Like you.
- Yuu:
- Yuu :
- [Pause.]
- [中断しろ。]
I guess we can take it.
[Miki beams and puts the jar into the cart.
[三木 (Miki) はほほえんで、そしてカートにジャーを入れる。
Meanwhile, Yuu picks up a jar from the opposite shelf.]
一方、 Yuu は反対のシェルフからジャーを拾い上げる。]
Now, speaking of this mustard... it is all hot and spicy.
Just like Miki.
三木 (Miki) とまったく同じように。
- Miki:
- 三木 (Miki) :
- YUU!
- YUU !
- Voiceover:
- ナレーション:
- Smuckers.
- Smuckers 。
100% natural.
- [Writer's note: Standard Disclaimer.]
- [ Writer のメモ: 標準的な否認声明書。]
- [エンド (END) コマーシャル休憩。]
- [Cut to Ayukawa's and Ikemoto's apartment building.
- [ Ayukawa のそして Ikemoto のアパートを切り変えろ。
Kasuga runs up the staircase and knocks on the apartment door.]
Kasuga は階段を増やして、そしてアパートドアをノックする。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself as he waits.]
- [彼自身に彼が待つ(時・から・につれて・ように)。]
I'm sure this is just a bunch of coincidences.
Ayukawa knows Oda-san already.
Ayukawa はすでに Oda - san を知っている。
If she were feeling that way, she'd never....
[Trails off then shakes his head vigorously.]
[ Trails は一生懸命に離れてその時彼の頭を振る。]
I mean... no way!
O-of course she doesn't feel that way!
‖ o − もちろん‖彼女はその方法を感じない‖!
"A"... there's probably a lot of them on campus!
It might not even be the writer's real initial!
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- [Coldly after she opens door.]
- [冷淡に彼女がドアを開けた後。]
Ayukawa-chan already left for school.
Ayukawa - chan がすでに学校に向かって出発した。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
「 Ayukawa - chan 」か?
[To Ikemoto.]
[ Ikemoto に。]
D-did she say where she was going?
D-did に彼女はどこに彼女が行くことになっていたか言うか?
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- [Lights a cigarette.]
- [タバコに火をつける。]
Not really.
She can take care of herself so I don't keep up with her schedule.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Annoyed.]
- [悩ませられた。]
Y-you know, if you keep smoking, you will never have healthy babies.
あなたが知っているY − は、もしあなたがたばこを吸い続けるなら、あなたは決して健康な赤ん坊を持たないだろう。
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- [Raises an eyebrow; with sarcasm.]
- [皮肉で、眉を上げる。]
You two are truly made for each other.
[Blows a puff of smoke in Kasuga's face.]
[ Kasuga の顔に煙のひと吹きを吹き飛ばす。]
Did it ever occur to you that I might not want a baby?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Well....
- まあ・・・。
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- Did it ever occur to you that I might be quite content with my life being what it is?
- 私が私の生活がそれがそうであるものであるという状態で、非常に満足しているかもしれないことは今までにあなたの心に浮かんだか?
Did you even think that I might be willing to pay the price for independence?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Swallows nervously.]
- [神経質に飲み込む。]
But... you... if you tried...
I mean, it's nice to trust someone else and know they trust you, so...
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- Oh, so it's all about trust, right?
- おお、それでそれはすべて信頼についてで、正しいか?
And why, I wonder, do you think I haven't tried?
Maybe I did?
Maybe I found the price too high to pay?
Maybe I wanted to live my life as I wanted - is that so unusual?
多分私は、私が欲したように、私の生活を送ることを望んだ − それはそれほど異常か?
[Extinguishes the cigarette and drops it into the ashtray.]
You're so... confident about teaching the others.
I wonder how come nobody slapped you for that yet.
Why are you here, anyway?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- I...
- 私は・・・。
I wanted to locate Ayukawa.
私は Ayukawa を設立することを望んだ。
Do... do you mind if I check her appointment calendar?
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- [Shrugs.]
- [肩をすくめる。]
Be my guest.
I have to go to work.
Lock up when you're done here.
[Picks up her bag and leaves.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
I wonder why Ayukawa puts up with her attitude?
私はなぜ Ayukawa が彼女の態度を我慢するかと思うか?
- [Cut to Ayukawa's bedroom.
- [ Ayukawa の寝室を切り変えろ。
The room is well-kept, with the bed made.
The desk has a few written notes on a pad of paper.
Kasuga glances over a desk calendar, and freezes.]
Kasuga は卓上カレンダーをちらっと見て、そして凍る。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Reading the current date entry.]
- [現在の日付項目を読む。]
"Meeting with Hayashibara at Student Union..."!
「学生会館において Hayashibara と会見する・・・。」
Wh-why would she do that...?
Wh-why に彼女は・・・それをするだろうか?
[Shakes his head.]
I-it can't be what it looks like!
私 − それはそれが見えるものであるはずがない!
It's gotta be something else!
それは gotta が他に何かであるということだ!
[Looks at the pad of paper on the desk and notices some writing on the top page.]
"Dear Oda-san: I'm a second-year student..."
「高価な Oda - san : 私は2年の学生だ・・・。」
[The rest of the note is scribbled out.
Kasuga goes pale and the sheet drops out ofhis hand.]
Kasuga は青白くなる、そして紙は ofhis 手の外に落ちる。]
It can't be....
- [Cut to the Student Union.
- [学生会館を切り変えろ。
Kasuga is seated at a small table, with several notes and a copy of the school newspaper in front of him.
Kasuga は彼の前(に・で)小さいテーブルにおいて、いくつかのメモと学校新聞のコピーで席につかせられる。
He checks his tape recorder and goes over the interview questions.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Outwardly calm.]
- [外見上冷静だ。]
I'll just do the interview and that will be it.
No matter what he says, I won't let it get to me.
Since Ayukawa isn't here, that dream can't be a premonition dream!
Ayukawa がここにいないので、その夢は予感夢であるはずがない!
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [From behind Kasuga.]
- [ Kasuga の後ろから。]
Kasuga - kun 。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Waah...!
- Waah ・・・
[Turns around and freezes.]
A... .Ayukawa ...か?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Oda-san told me you were going to be doing your second interview today.
- Oda - san が私にあなたが今日あなたの2番目のインタビューをしているつもりであったと言った。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- O-oda-san...?
- o − oda − san が・・・?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Un.
- Un 。
Hayashibara-san's going to be here, right?
Hayashibara - san が、正しくて、ここにあろうとしているか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Ahh... un... he should be here pretty soon....
- Ahh ... un ・・・彼は・・・かなり間もなくここにいるべきである。
[To himself.]
I-is she here to see him?
‖I − は彼女である‖ここで彼に会うこと‖?
Was that a premonition dream?!?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Concerned.]
- [心配している。]
What's wrong?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Puts his hand behind his head.]
- [彼の手を彼の長の後ろに置く。]
Ah... nothing....
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Coming from around the corner.]
- [角のあたりから来る。]
Sorry I'm late; my class ran long.
[Sees Ayukawa.]
[ Ayukawa を見る。]
Ayukawa - san か?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [To Hayashibara.]
- [ Hayashibara に。]
Nice to see you again.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To Hayashibara.]
- [ Hayashibara に。]
Ahh... it's OK.
Ahh ...それは問題がない。
I just got here myself.
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Sits down.]
- [座る。]
Very well, let's go for it.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Goes pale.]
- [青白くなる。]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- What's wrong?
- どうかしたのか?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Recovers.]
- [回復する。]
Ah... nothing.
Let's start.
[Clears throat and starts the tape-recorder.
Ayukawa walks away and sits behind the next table.]
Ayukawa は歩き去って、そして次のテーブルの後ろに座る。]
How did you get started playing baseball?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [With confidence.]
- [自信を持って。]
I started playing baseball for fun when I was six years old.
In junior high, I joined the school baseball team and I've been on my school teams ever since.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Who would you say has influenced your success?
- あなたは誰があなたの成功に影響を与えたと言うだろうか?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- Well, I was a fan of the Giants when I was younger and I grew up watching people like Sadaharu Oh and Isao Harimoto.
- まあ、私は私がいっそう若くそして私が大きくなった時人々が Sadaharu Oh (Sadaharu Oh) と Isao Harimoto (Isao Harimoto) が好きであるのを見るジャイアンツ (Giants) のファンだった。
I've had many good coaches and fellow teammates who influenced and helped me through the years.
Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my father for encouraging me to succeed.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- When you played in high school, you were mainly known as a fielder and not a power hitter.
- あなたが高校でプレーした時、あなたは主に強打者ではなく、野手として知られていた。
Did Koushien* change the way you play?
‖ Koushien をする‖ * あなたがプレーする方法を変える‖?
*Site for the Japan Senior High School Baseball Tournament
* 日本 (Japan) 高校野球トーナメントのための場所
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- I've been fortunate to have very good coaches who stressed the fundamentals of the game.
- 私は(今まで)ゲームのファンダメンタルを強調した非常に良いコーチを持つとは幸運だった。
As a result, I spent much of my time practicing my fielding.
For hitting, I was taught mainly to hit the ball with accuracy more than power.
However, my high-school coach felt that we had a favorable match-up against some of the pitchers in Koushien so he encouraged me to swing away.
しかしながら、私の高校のコーチは我々が Koushien でピッチャーの若干に対して好意的な政争を持ったと感じた、それで彼は私に離れて左右に揺れるよう励ました。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- When you're not playing baseball, what are your personal hobbies?
- あなたが野球をしていない時、あなたの個人的な趣味は何か?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- I spend a lot of time in physical training and school, but when I do have time, I like listening to classical music and reading.
- 私は身体訓練と学校で多くの時間を過ごす、しかし私が時間を持っている時、私はクラシカルミュージックを聞いて、そして読むことが好きだ。
Sometimes I watch a professional baseball game, for as much the enjoyment as the learning.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Rapidly, without reading from his notes.]
- [急速に、彼のメモから読み取らないで。]
Do you plan a life-time career of professional baseball?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Less confident.]
- [より低度に確信がある。]
Well... no, not really.
I might play for a while, but later I presume I'll join my father's company.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Raises an eyebrow.]
- [眉を上げる。]
Well, you mentioned you spend a lot of time studying and doing baseball; do you think that this is the best investment of your time and efforts?
Does your social life suffer because of this?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Even less confident.]
- [さらにより低度に確信がある。]
I... well... try to compensate for the little time I have for social pursuits by spending it more efficiently.
For example, in high-school, I had many friends.
After each game, the whole team would always go out together.
That's... the best way I can answer this.
- [Pause.]
- [中断しろ。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods, and resumes reading from his notes.]
- [うなずいて、そして彼のメモから読み取ることを再び始める。]
This brings me to another question.
You're very popular among some of our female sports fans.
[Looks at the question and tenses.]
Are you romantically involved right now?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Nervously.]
- [神経質に。]
Ahh... well....
Ahh ...まあ・・・。
[Looks away, glancing momentarily to where Ayukawa is sitting.]
[ Ayukawa が座っているところに、しばらくちらっと見て、目をそらす。]
Baseball takes up much of my free time.
I guess I haven't had time to really think about it.
I suppose...
I've been waiting to meet the right girl.
[Ayukawa, listening to the conversation, looks around uneasy.]
[ Ayukawa は、会話を聞いて、不安で見回す。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Well... if you did... if you did find her?
- まあ...もしあなたが、もしあなたが彼女を見いだしたなら、・・・をしたならか?
- [Long pause.
- [長い休止。
Kasuga watches Hayashibara tense up with nervousness.]
Kasuga は Hayashibara が神経質で緊張するのを見る。]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- If I did... she'd be someone very special to me.
- もし私がそうしたなら...彼女は私に非常に特別な誰かであるだろう。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Continues reading from his notes.]
- [彼のメモから読み取り続ける。]
So, what are you looking for in this... special person?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Swallows.]
- [スワローズ (Swallows) 。]
Well... she would have to be kind...and smart... and independent.
まあ... .and が頭が良くて...そして独自であるという状態で...彼女は親切じゃなければならないだろう。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Independent?
- 他に依存しないか?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Yes, I think so.
Every relationship has to strike the right balance between trust and mutual independence, so....
[Trails off.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- So...?
- それで・・・か?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- So I would look for all these qualities in... the person I would like to care about.
- それで私は私が気にしたいこれらすべての・・・、人、での特質を探すだろう。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To himself.]
- [彼自身に。]
"Person he would like to care about"....
Is he talking about...?
[To Hayashibara.]
[ Hayashibara に。]
Well, I guess I shouldn't pry too much.
[Looks over his notepad.]
I guess I've got enough.
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
I mean, OK.
I mean, OK.
Did you get everything you need?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Un.
- Un 。
I've got what I need to know.
Oh yes!
There's one thing more.
I've got a request for an autograph from two of my housemates; I wouldn't ask this favor during the interview, but since it's over....
私は私の housemates の2からサインの要請を得た;私はインタビューの間にではなくてそれが・・・の上にある時からこの親切な行為を求めだろう。
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Teeth gleam.]
- [歯がかすかに光る。]
I'd be glad.
That's for Yoko-san and Yuko-san, isn't it?
それはヨーコ (Yoko) - san とユーコ (Yuko) - san のためだね。
[Kasuga nods.]
[ Kasuga はうなずく。]
Very well.
[Hayashibara picks two empty sheets from Kasuga's pad and signs them.]
[ Hayashibara は Kasuga のパッドから2枚のからの紙を選んで、そして(彼・それ)らに署名する。]
Here you go.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Thank you for your time.
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Stands up and prepares to leave.]
- [立ち上がって、そして去る準備をする。]
You're welcome.
You... you're a good interviewer, Kasuga-kun.
あなた・・・あなたは良いインタビュアー、 Kasuga - kun である。
Go for it.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- ...
- ・・・。
- [Hayashibara waves at him and Ayukawa and leaves.]
- [ Hayashibara は彼と Ayukawa において手を振って、そして去る。]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Well, it wasn't quite what I expected from a personal interview.
- まあ、それはまったく私が個人的なインタビューから期待したことじゃなかった。
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Nods.]
- [うなずき。]
Un 。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- Why are you so down?
- なぜあなたはそれほど元気がないか?
I think you did a pretty good job.
Maybe next time you can be more relaxed.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Well... yeah....
- まあ...はい・・・。
[Trails off.]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- What?
- 何か?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Takes a deep breath.]
- [深い呼吸をとる。]
The truth is...
I was worried when I saw you.
You see, yesterday Oda-san got a note from a person named "A." who talked about "K-san" and "H-san".
‖いいか、昨日 Oda - san が名指された人からメモを得た‖「A.。」‖誰が「K - san 」と「H - san 」について話をしたか‖。
Then, last night...
I had a dream that you and Hayashibara would be... well....
私はあなたと Hayashibara がよく・・・であるであろうという夢を持っていた・・・。
I guess I was worried because when I dropped by your place this morning, I saw your note to Oda-san and that you were going to be meeting Hayashibara today.
私は私が、私が今朝あなたのポジションによって落ちた時、私が Oda - san にあなたのメモを見たから、心配していた、そしてあなたが今日 Hayashibara に会っているつもりであったと思う。
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Surprise.]
- [驚き。]
Where did you get that from?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Puts his hand behind his head and laughs awkwardly.]
- [彼の手を彼の長の後ろに置いて、そして不器用に笑う。]
I was just checking your calendar to see if I could find you.
I just wanted to talk to you.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- I see....
- 私は・・・を見る。
[Thinks for a minute, then stifles a laugh.]
[ Thinks は1分間、その時笑いを窒息させる。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
What's so funny?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Unable to stifle her laughing.]
- [笑って彼女を窒息させることが不可能だ。]
Hahahaha ・・・
[Calms down.]
Kasuga-kun, after all this time, I would have thought you'd know better!
Kasuga - kun 、結局のところ今回は、私はあなたがもっと良く知るであろうと思っただろう!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- What...?
- 何が・・・か?
But what about meeting Hayashibara?
しかし Hayashibara に会ってはどうか?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Playfully.]
- [遊び戯れて。]
Baka − mitai * ・・・
I wanted to meet you!
This was supposed to be your first solo assignment and I wanted to encourage you.
*Idiot (politely)
* ばか者(丁寧に)
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- First?
- 最初にか?
I did an interview with him already.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Laughs.]
- [笑い。]
But that one was in the locker room!
I didn't think they'd let me there!
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- Oh.
- おお。
But... you *did* write a letter to Oda-san about "K-san".
けれども...あなたは「K - san 」についての Oda - san への手紙を書く * * 。
I saw a scratch copy when I dropped by your apartment this morning.
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Thinks.]
- [考える。]
That letter?
I haven't even sent it yet.
[Pulls out a folded sheet of paper from her school binder and hands it to Kasuga.]
[彼女の学校仮契約証からの折られた1枚の紙を引き抜いて、そして Kasuga にそれを手渡す。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Looking at the letter.]
- [手紙を見る。]
Dear Oda-san,
親愛なる Oda - san 、
I am a second year student in the college.
A friend of mine who I call "K-san" is dating a guy I call "S-san".
私が「K - san 」と呼ぶ私の友人が私が「S - san 」と呼ぶ男とデートしている。
"K-san" is a little naive about dating and she's already had two dates go bad for different reasons.
「K - san 」はデートすることについて少し世間知らずだ、そして彼女はすでに2つの日付が異なった理由に良くなくなるようにした。
"K-san" is a very sweet person and I don't want to see her hurt again, but I don't know much about "S-san".
「K - san 」は非常に優しい人だ、そして私は彼女が再び痛むのを見ることを望まない、しかし私は「S - san 」について多くを知らない。
Would I be intruding to try and find out more about "S-san" or should I just let "K-san" have a chance to learn about "S-san" herself?
私は試みて、そしていっそう「S - san 」について発見するために割り込んでいるだろうか、あるいは私はちょうど「K - san 」に彼女自身「S - san 」について学ぶチャンスを持たせるべきか?
"Girl with the red straw hat"
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- It's obvious who am I talking about, isn't it?
- ‖それは明白である‖話をしている1が大体、それじゃないということである‖?
The truth is, I don't know how well Keiko-san and Sakurai-san are getting along.
真実はそうだ、私はどれほど上手に Keiko - san とサクライ (Sakurai) - san がうまくやって行っているか知らない。
The last two times she's been on a date, she's been very disappointed and I didn't want her to go through that again.
I just wanted another opinion on how they should proceed.
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Realization dawning.]
- [夜が明けている認識。]
Then "A." is really...?
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- I haven't got the slightest idea.
- 私は最もわずかな考えを得なかった。
[Starts laughing again.]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Smiles in relief.]
- [軽減で微笑する。]
A... .hahaha ・・・
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- [Stops laughing and touches Kasuga's hand.]
- [笑うのをやめて、そして Kasuga の手に触れる。]
You should still have known better.
It's nice to trust someone else and know they trust you, don't you agree?
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Pauses, then nods.]
- [ポーズ (Pauses) 、そして次にうなずき。]
Um 。
- [Cut to the Journalism building later that evening.
- [その晩後にジャーナリズム建物を切り変えろ。
Kasuga types away at his workstation.
Kasuga は彼のワークステーションにおいてタイプし続ける。
Sakai and Doko are looking over rough layouts as they put together the finished master to be run later that evening.]
サカイ (Sakai) と Doko は、(彼・それ)らがその晩後に動かされる終了したマスターを組み立てた(時・から・につれて・ように)、荒っぽい配置をざっと調べている。]
- Doko:
- Doko :
- Oda-san, hurry up!
- Oda - san 、急げ!
We're going to press in ten minutes.
- Oda:
- Oda :
- Alright....
- 承知した・・・。
[Turns her attention back to the screen as she types her last response.]
Dear "A."
I'm going to address this to your friend, since she's the one in the need of an advice.
Please relay this message to her:
It's good to hear that you have a friend in "K-san".
あなたが「K - san 」に友人を持っているということを耳にすることは良い。
However, if you are truly having doubts about your relationship, then perhaps it is time to explore other possibilities.
College is all about change and growth and you shouldn't go through life wondering about all the possibilities that were missed.
大学 (College) がすべて変更と成長についてだ、そしてあなたはミスされたすべての可能性について不思議に思って生活を体験するべきじゃない。
If "H-san" really is as nice as yousay, then go for it!
もし「H - san 」が本当に yousay と比べて同じぐらいすてきであるなら、それを売れろ!
Seize the moment!
It may never come again!
Ihope you find the true love of your life!
Ihope にあなたはあなたの生活の真実の愛を見いだす!
Oda - san
- [She saves the response and sends it to the typesetter.
- [彼女は反応を救って、そしてそれを typesetter に送る。
Walking over to Kasuga's workstation, she watched over his shoulder for a moment.]
Kasuga のワークステーションに歩いて、彼女は瞬間の間彼の肩を守った。]
- Oda:
- Oda :
- So, how did it go?
- それで、どのようにそれは行ったか?
Did you like the assignment?
- [Kasuga opens his mouth, but doesn't say anything, lost in thought.
- [ Kasuga は彼の開口部を開ける、しかし考えで失われた何も言わない。
Fade to memory of last days:]
- Yoko:
- ヨーコ (Yoko) :
- [Confidently.]
- [自信を持って。]
Our relationship is based on mutual understanding!
- [Fade to:]
- [そうするためのフェード:]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- Every relationship has to strike the right balance between trust and mutual independence.
- すべての関係が信頼と相互の独立の間の正しい残りを打たなければならない。
- [Fade to:]
- [そうするためのフェード:]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [To Ikemoto.]
- [ Ikemoto に。]
It's nice to trust someone else and know they trust you, so....
- [Fade to:]
- [そうするためのフェード:]
- Ayukawa:
- Ayukawa :
- It's nice to trust someone else and know they trust you, don't you agree?
- ほかの誰かを信頼して、そして(彼・それ)らがあなたを信頼することを知ることはすてきだ、あなたは同意しないか?
- [Fade to:]
- [そうするためのフェード:]
- Ikemoto:
- Ikemoto :
- [Raises an eyebrow.]
- [眉を上げる。]
You two are truly made for each other.
- [Fade back to present.]
- [現在に薄れていけ。]
- Kasuga:
- Kasuga :
- [Looks at Oda, smiles, and nods.]
- [ Oda 、微笑、を見て、そしてうなずく。]
Yeah, I liked the assignment.
- [Cut to the Butsumetsu athletics department.
- [ Butsumetsu 陸上競技課を切り変えろ。
The team workouts have long ago ended and the locker room is quiet and dark except for a single hanging lamp in the back of the room.
Sitting alone on a bench with his locker open, Hayashibara flips the newspaper closed, the conflict on his face clear.
彼のロッカーオープンで単独でベンチの上に座って、 Hayashibara は閉じられた新聞、彼の顔の上に明確な対立をひっくり返す。
After thinking it over, he opens the paper and reads the reply again.]
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Reading the paper.]
- [ペーパーを読む。]
"It may never come again.
I hope you find the true love of your life...."
[Pushes the paper aside.]
- Sagawa:
- Sagawa :
- [Opening the door.]
- [ドアを開ける。]
Hey, they're closing up the building.
Are you ready?
What are you doing in here, anyway?
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- Eh?
- Eh か?
Ah... just reading... the newspaper.
I'll be...out in a moment.
私は瞬間で .out に・・・であるだろう。
- Sagawa:
- Sagawa :
- Ok.
- オーケー。
Remember, we're waiting for you!
Hurry up, Akira!
アキラ (Akira) 、急げ!
- Hayashibara:
- Hayashibara :
- [Pauses and looks at the newspaper again.
- [中断して、そして再び新聞を見る。
Reading quietly to himself.]
Dear "A."....
[He sighs, closes the newspaper, picks up his sports bag, and exits the locker room, turning off the light.]