*Japanese blades were mostly single edged and as such were not symmetrical
*Wood and paper wall divider used in a traditional Japanese house or room.
*Motif-the cranes represent her innocence and gentle nature
END CREDITS Writer/Historical Researcher Quincy S. Huoh New Characters Designer/Co-writer Stephen Tsai Doujinshi Artwork Tony Jung Pre-readers Harold Ancell Robert Carragher Robert DeLoura Brian Edmonds Peter Van Overen Eric Shen Rika Takebe Very special thanks to Hitoshi Doi A tip of the hat and a deep bow to Matsumoto Izumi for starting the whole thingIf I left anyone off, my apologies. Any mistakes/embarrassing faux pas are entirely my own. If there is anything here you must flame, mail them to stsai@netcom.com.
Thank you for taking the time to read this episode of my series. I have the next episode in the works.
Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again!
For the new readers: I'll be doing character profiles, major location descriptions, and situation updates on a rotating basis for each episode. If there is a particular character, place or event that you would like to know more about, and it is not being covered, don't hesitate to email me and I will send you either a note or a copy of the episode it is introduced.
(以下の文章は原文を忠実に訳したものですが、いくぶん間違っているよう に見えますので、疑いながら読んでください。) Focus on 藤原 正子: 彼女は実在の人物ではありませんが、藤原氏は平安時代 (794-1184年)に歴代の天皇の裏で権力を操っていました。14世紀から天皇の権力 とその遺稿を借りた藤原氏の権力は著しく威光を失い、実権は個々の戦国大名と 将軍のものとなっていった。
しかし、女戦士は中世日本においてほとんどいなかったようであるものの、多く の女性が特に長刀(なぎなた)に通じていたのも事実である。おそらく、もっと も有名な女戦士は巴御前であろう; 彼女は平家物語の中に登場し、源義仲の妾 として転戦した。 美貌と勇敢さのみならず、1184年の宇治川の合戦では義仲と ともに Remarkable for her beauty and courage, when all was lost during a battle along the River Uji in 1184 she insisted on remaining, "I want to fight the last glorious fight with you." Faced with a powerful enemy warrior, she flung herself upon him, dragged him off his horse and killed him. Yoshinaka was slain in the battle, and although Tomoe's fate is uncertain she was generally believed to have retired to a convent, praying for the good of her departed lover's spirit.
[Translator's Note] Taisuke ITONO
(訳者あとがき: 糸野 泰輔)
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