- [Cut to Ayukawa's and Ikemoto's apartment. Kimura is seated by
Ayukawa's desk, preparing a set of documents as Ayukawa watches.]
- Kimura:
- [As she doodles a picture of a panda bear on her paper.]
Kuma-chan*...you need to look your best!
- Ayukawa:
- [Looking over her shoulder.] Aa! Is that part of the
Dean's report?
- Kimura:
- [Futilely tries to hide the picture.] ...
- Ayukawa:
- [Smiles] That's OK. You should be proud; almost no one
gets to submit a report to the Dean of their college during their
first year.
- Kimura:
- Hai...but...[Looks noticeably down.]
- Ayukawa:
- Eh? What's wrong?
- Kimura:
- Well...
- [Fade to memory to the Kimura's residence...]
- Kimura Akiko:
- [Kindly but firmly.] It's time you started putting
away these childish notions of animals and fantasy. You're a
college student now; soon you'll be out there in the real world...
- Kimura Masaki:
- [Crying over Keiko's shoulder.] Kawaisou na*
*Poor, unfortunate
- Kimura Akiko:
- [Firmly to Masaki.] Anata*...you are *not* making
this easier! [To Keiko.] You should start considering your
future. Perhaps as a University professor when you get your
doctorate or a theoretical researcher. [Holds up Keiko's spring
mid-term paper; behind the perfect mark is a dancing rabbit.]
None of them would ever draw this.
*In this context, "dear". Often used by wives to their husbands.
- Kimura Keiko:
- [Looking down.] N-no...I guess not.
- [Fade back to the present.]
- Ayukawa:
- [Reassuringly.] It's alright. I'm sure they only want
the best for you. But...in the end, it's up to you.
- Kimura:
- Eh? What do you mean?
- Ayukawa:
- Right now, your parents are thinking what is best for
you, not realizing that you would like to do things differently.
It's up to you, not them, if you want to live up to their
expectations or go your own way.
- Kimura:
- [Nods.] Un!
- [Cut to Mason financial corporation. Inside the tower of steel
and glass, millions of yen flow through computer networks every
hour. In one of the offices, Ikemoto is talking over a proposal
to a branch manager.]
- Ikemoto:
- The Americans like to do things differently, Ezaki-
Kacho*. I'm the only person you have who's spoken to the
customers, seen their presentations and can speak their language.
*Section Chief
- Ezaki:
- That's true, but...Amano-shunin* won't be pleased. He was
convinced that he could give a better presentation. He does have
more experience with the commodities and futures markets.
- Ikemoto:
- But he's never been outside Japan before. He doesn't
have any experience with directing a Westernized business meeting.
Besides, it won't do him much good if he bores them to sleep like
the last time we had an American client.
- Ezaki:
- That's true...[Sternly.] but make no mistake. This is an
important presentation. We are only going to get one chance as
the client only plans to be in town for a few days. If
successful, it will mean a great deal to this company; if not...
- Ikemoto:
- [Bows.] I understand. I promise I can deliver a
memorable presentation that will leave a positive image.
- Ezaki:
- Very well. I will inform Amano-shunin of my decision.
Make sure you can deliver or we'll both be in trouble.
- [Outside the office, unknown to the participants inside, the desk
OL* listens to a discreetly turned-on intercom. As another
uniformed OL finishes filling up cups of tea for another meeting
about to start, she wanders over to the first OL's desk.]
*Office Lady; usually assigned to take care of incidental tasks around the office.
- OL1:
- [Whispering.] Is she *still* asking for special favors?
- OL2:
- [Nods and whispers.] Some nerve...as if she doesn't get to
do enough around here as it is!
- OL1:
- Did you know Ikemoto's living with someone else?
- OL2:
- With a guy???
- OL1:
- No! Never! It couldn't be! A kouhai* at her college.
*younger friend at school or at work.
- OL2:
- So, at least she had a friend at college.
- OL1:
- Well, it's strange. The girl is a Butsumetsu co-ed, but
she's a freshman! When Ikemoto was at college, she must have been
in elementary school! How could this student be her kouhai?
- OL2:
- Hmm...I don't understand her...
- OL1:
- Yeah, she's different. She's a gaijin*!
*Foreigner; in this context, outsider
- OL2:
- [Noting the coffee decanter.] Did you fill her cup too?
- OL1:
- Why should I? She can get her own like the rest of us! If
she asks, tell her I...[Comes to an abrupt stop as the door to the
office opens. As Ikemoto walks back to her desk, she notes her
empty cup.] Ahh...I was just going to...
- Ikemoto:
- [Tersely.] Don't bother.
- [Cut back to Ayukawa's and Ikemoto's apartment. It's late in the
evening and Kimura is finishing up her report as Ayukawa helps her
collate it into a manila envelope for printing.]
- Ayukawa:
- Don't worry about a thing; I'm sure you'll do fine!
- Kimura:
- [Hands Ayukawa the finished report.] The presentation is
the day after tomorrow. Are you sure it'll be ready then?
- Ayukawa:
- Sure! I'll drop it off at the printer's tomorrow
morning and Kasuga-kun promised he'll pick it up for you on his
way to Chez Kooun tomorrow. Your presentation isn't until 11:00am
- Kimura:
- Un! [Smiles with renewed confidence.] Kyo-chan is so
- Ayukawa:
- Ah...yes! So are you still going to drop by after the
presentation? You wanted to go shopping.
- [Before Kimura can confirm her plans, the front door of the
apartment unlocks and opens. Ikemoto enters, carefully puts her
briefcase away, then checks her telephone messages. She notes an
absence to an expected message.]
- Ikemoto:
- Madoka-san, did anyone call for me?
- Ayukawa:
- Your mother called again.
- Ikemoto:
- [Strained.] Did anyone *important* call? I was
expecting someone from NYSE to call and confirm some future and
commodities pricing.
- Ayukawa:
- [Decides not to get into another debate.] No.
- Ikemoto:
- [Checks her watch.] Kuso*...it's going to be another
two hours until the New York markets open in the morning! I hate
going in unprepared. Did you pick up my presentation?
*<Netiquette violator>
- Ayukawa:
- Kasuga-san is going to pick it up and deliver it to your
company in the morning.
- Ikemoto:
- Hrumph! Kasuga-san? [Disdainfully as she hands Ayukawa
an envelop marked "kyukin*".] He's so unreliable; he'd better not
screw this up. [Goes to her room, turns on her computer, and
pulls out a small black book of telephone numbers. After getting
a number, she pulls out her mobile phone and dials.] ((Hello, I
need to speak with Mr. Mente with Jackson & Stein...Yes I know the
markets don't open for another two hours, but I'm calling from
Japan...Mr. Mente, this is Ms. Ikemoto calling from Tokyo. I need
you to fax me some rates and information about your company's
funds and commodities.))
- [Writer's note: "((" and "))" denote the character speaking in
- [As she lists off several companies, the fax machine comes to life
and several columns of numbers come up. She hangs up the mobile
phone, and scans the numbers on the incoming fax. As she starts
punching in the numbers into her finalized report, her mobile
phone rings again.]
- Ikemoto:
- ((Hello?)) Okaasan*! [Annoyed tone.] I told you not
to call me on the mobile! [Hangs up and returns her attention to
her computer.]
- Kimura:
- [Looking over Ikemoto's draft.] Eh? I think she's
making a mistake! She's not carrying her calculations past five
decimal points of precision!
- Ayukawa:
- It's alright...when it comes to money, I'm sure she
knows what she's talking about. [Watches Ikemoto with some
concern as she inserts a printed sheet into the fax machine and
dials another number on her mobile phone.] But you're
right...she's making mistakes...
- [Cut back to the Mason corporation the next day. During a mid-
afternoon meeting, a few of the managers discuss a memo recently
received via inter-office mail as one of the employees is
receiving a reprimand.]
- Manager 1:
- Four hours late again? What exactly do you do during
your spare time Umao-san?
- Umao:
- [Bows apologetically with his hand behind his head with
embarrassment.] Well actually, that's...hard to explain...
- Amano:
- [Noticeably annoyed.] What do you mean Ikemoto-san will
be giving the sales presentation? Just because she's an Eigo-ya*
doesn't mean *she* can sell any better to foreigners!
*Derogatory term for "English speaker".
- Ginga:
- [Drinking a cup of water from the cooler.] Well, she is
more experienced in international funds than you are and...
- Amano:
- [Cuts Ginga off.] And just because you're trying to be
friendly with her doesn't mean you should ignore tatemae* or let
your personal feelings cloud your judgement!
*form; in this context, "public truth"
- Ginga:
- [Analytically.] I think you're being a little unfair. As
you've noticed, I've been following her progress with great
interest. She's a valued asset to this company, and if you
continue to underestimate her because of her gender*, a formidable
opponent. Like it or not, that's honne**.
*While some companies are changing, many Japanese companies still have a "glass ceiling" for their female employees
**substance; in this context, "real truth"
- Amano:
- What exactly do you see in her anyway? Why are you always
trying to get on her side? As if *she* could offer you anything!
- Ginga:
- [Finishes his water and tosses the cup into the wastebin.]
Let's just say I have my reasons.
- [Cut to the Chez Kooun. As the lunch hour tapers off into the
afternoon lull, Kasuga pours a cup of coffee from a glass
- Kasuga:
- [Offers the cup to Ayukawa as she sits at the counter.]
- Ayukawa:
- [Takes the cup.] Thanks. [Hands Kasuga a business
- Kasuga:
- [Examining the business card.] Essai Printers?
- Ayukawa:
- [Nods.] Un. Both Keiko-san's and Ikemoto-san's print
jobs should be ready so you can save a trip.
- Kasuga:
- OK. [Pockets the card.] After that, I need to drop one
off at the school and the other at Mason?
- Ayukawa:
- That's right. [Starts drinking her coffee, holds the
cup, then smiles.] You know, this is sort of a reverse of where
we were in high-school.
- Kasuga:
- [Looks around the counter and his apron, puts his hand
behind his head and laughs.] Ahaha...really. [Shrugs.] Keiko-
san I can understand. I thought you didn't like your roommate
- Ayukawa:
- Well she paid me to do some of her copying because she
said it was a rush presentation. Also...I think sometimes it's
because, when I see her, it's like looking into a cracked mirror.
Do you ever wonder how things would have turned out if we had
never met?
- Kasuga:
- Eh? Well...[His mind goes back to the time he met
Ayukawa in a cold, alternate world where he didn't exist.]
- Ayukawa:
- I sometimes think about how my life would have turned
out. If Hikaru had found someone...well...[Trails off.]
- Kasuga:
- I'm just glad...we did meet.
- [Cut to the Irohanihoheto Pub. The room is smoky and dark as
young people indulge in Western and Japanese food along with
copious quantities of alcoholic beverages. Seated alone in one
corner of the room, Ikemoto nurses a cup of liquor as she mentally
goes over a list of figures in her head to prepare for tomorrow.
She is interrupted by a familiar face.]
- Morita:
- May I sit down?
- Ikemoto:
- [Almost immediately recognizing the face.] YOU?!?
- Morita:
- Oi! Not so loud! A man of my profession doesn't like to
attract attention!
- Ikemoto:
- [Sarcastically.] I think I'd better go check on my car.
[Starts to get up.]
- Morita:
- [Casually.] Don't worry about it; I'm on my break! Even
my job needs time off.
- Ikemoto:
- Some job! A bunch of hoodlums and punks in a warehouse
robbing people of their proper belongings! [Lights a cigarette.]
You're a crook, plain and simple.
- Morita:
- [Unconcerned by Ikemoto's attitude.] A lady like you shouldn't smoke; you may regret it in your future years.
- Ikemoto:
- [Condescendingly.] Unlike you, I only indulge in two
vices; drinking and smoking. So worry about your own bad habits
before you get concerned with mine.
- Morita:
- So I like to live life to its fullest. You know what
your problem is? You need to let go of some of that formality and
stiff attitude. You ought to think about your future. Do you
really want to be where you're headed 10-20 years from now?
- Ikemoto:
- [With an arrogant tone.] What preposterous nonsense!
I'll have you know I'm one of the youngest shunin in my company
and one of the few women to ever make it. I'm on the fast-track
for advancement and I'm going places in my profession.
[Meaningfully to Morita.] Unlike some people, I'm making
something for myself and I'm going to be on top! [Stands up.]
- [Morita finishes his drink as Ikemoto gets up. After making sure
that no one is watching, he finishes what's left in Ikemoto's
glass as well. His smile of satisfaction dims some as he watches
her leave.]
- Morita:
- But...it sure is lonely at the top isn't it?
- Voiceover:
- Why do fools fall in love?
- [Cut to a beach house as Keiichi tries to kiss and take advantage
of Sayoko.]
- Voiceover:
- Why do romances never turn out like they do in the
- [Cut to Keiichi's house as Urd crawls out of Keiichi's television
- Voiceover:
- And why can't young lovers ever find the right things
to say?
- [Cut to Keiichi lying over Belldandy as both are searching for the
right thing to say.]
- Belldandy:
- [Smiles vacuously as she pours a bottle into a cup.]
Why ask why?
- Voiceover:
- Try Bud Dry!
- [Show a cold glass mug overflowing with beer foam.]
- Voiceover:
- True refreshment...true taste. So even if your
girlfriend isn't divine...
- [Show Skuld giving Keiichi a smack on the head with her hammer.]
- Voiceover:
- ...at least your refreshment will be!
- [Writer's note: Standard Disclaimer.]
- [Cut to the business district of Tokyo. Amid the normal bustle of
people, Kasuga is trying to force his way through the crowd.]
- Kasuga:
- [Checks his watch as he runs with a manila envelope under
his arm.] Oh shoot! Running late again! [Arrives at Mason
Financial Company and enters the front lobby.] I have a package
for Ikemoto Sachiko!
- Receptionist:
- [Checking with the telephone and appointment book.]
Ah, you're running late! They've been inquiring about this!
[Calls an office mail carrier and hands him the envelope.] Have
this rushed up directly to the reception projection room.
- Mail carrier:
- [Bows as he accepts the package.] Hai!
- Kasuga:
- [Catching his breath as he leaves the building. He then
checks his watch, noting that it is 10:52am.] Well that was a
close call. [Thinks back to the delivery he made earlier that
morning.] Hope Keiko-san does well.
- [Cut to the Butsumetsu mathematics building. In one of the small
conference rooms, Kimura pulls out her slides and quickly checks
her appearance as the dean and Oinuma walk in.]
- Dean:
- [To Oinuma.] I hope this girl is as smart as you say she
is. I dislike allowing exceptions to the normal academic
- Oinuma:
- Trust me Kajiyama-sensei*, keeping Kimura-san in lower-
division courses would be wasting our time and her potential.
[Noting that Kimura is already present and laying out her notes.]
I'm sure that after hearing her presentation you'll agree.
- Kajiyama:
- [Whispers to Oinuma.] I just hope she doesn't have
those ridiculous cartoons. [Leafing through a folder of Kimura's
midterm exam and some chosen homework assignments.]
- Oinuma:
- Of course Kajiyama-sensei. [Motioning to Kimura.] You
may begin.
- Kimura:
- [Slightly nervous.] Ah...hai! [Bows, then places the
first slide into the opaque projector.] As you both know, the use
of statistical analysis allows us to make a projection of future
events based on probability and analysis of past trends. [Turns
around to address her first slide.] Currently we use...[Trails
off as she looks at her first slide.]
- Oinuma:
- [To himself.] Bar charts? [Clears his throat.] Kimura-san, I thought this was supposed to be an example of mathematical
statistical trend analysis.
- Kimura:
- [Stutteringly.] Ah...yes! This is...a real-life
example! [To herself.] Kuma-chan...doko desu ka*?
*Where are you
- [Cut to the Mason boardroom. Several well dressed businessmen sit
down as the main lights dim to improve the projector's visibility.
On the other side of the table, a small group of very well dressed
gaijin stop their private conversations and pay attention as
Ikemoto steps up to the podium.]
- Ikemoto:
- ((Mr. Jamerson, Mr. McNamara.)) [Bows.] ((Gentlemen,
it is an honor to speak to you today. I am here to present to you
the options our company offers in financial investments during the
coming months and years ahead.)) [Presses a remote control to
advance the first projected slide. She continues her
introduction, ignoring the sudden murmurs arising from the
assembled businessmen.] ((As many of you know, these changing
economic times...))
- Ginga:
- [To Amano as he tries his best to suppress his amusement.]
No wonder she wanted everyone here...
- Amano:
- [Smiles, then covers his mouth.] Maybe she's not such a
frigid ama* after all!
*<Netiquette violator>
- Ezaki:
- [Excitedly to himself.] What the hell is *this*?!? Is
this the "Western" way of selling?!?
- Ikemoto:
- [Finishing up her introduction.] ((...allows those
invested in unconventional ways the opportunity to protect their
money and insure their investments allow for short-term and long-
term growth. [Picks up a wooden pointer and turns around.]
Firstly, I'd like to sho...)) [Trails off as she sees the screen
for the first time. The tip of the pointer is touching a dancing
- Jamerson:
- [Barely suppressing a chuckle as he whispers to
McNamara.] ((I thought you said the Japanese didn't have a sense
of humor!))
- McNamara:
- [Trying to follow the column of huge numbers and
whispers back to Jamerson.] ((What I want to know is what's with
all the complex calculations?!?))
- [Cut back to the Butsumetsu mathematics building. Kimura
continues to struggle as she points to a pie chart and tries to
make sense of it.]
- Kimura:
- ...which demonstrates...in this fictitious company's sum-
total example...[Spots a line chart conveniently going the correct
direction.] that probabilities are strong for a downward swing in
their...[Reads the chart's title and legend.] financial
forecasts. Based on...[Citing from memory.] Boyce-sensei's
theorem of means analysis, we can...
- Kajiyama:
- [Whispers to Oinuma.] You know, this isn't quite what
I was expecting.
- Oinuma:
- No, neither was I. Do you object?
- Kajiyama:
- [Watches as the next slide reveals several columns of
numbers for current and potential future prices on commodities.]
No...let her continue.
- [Cut back to the Mason boardroom. Ikemoto has managed to continue
the presentation, but is no longer quite as confident as she
started out.]
- Ikemoto:
- ((...and as you can see from our...)) [Noting the
extremely precisely calculated columns of numbers.] ((carefully
computed analysis, our funds offer highly diversified choices and
flexibility in changing economic times.))
- McNamara:
- [To Jamerson as he tries to scan over the columns of
numbers and complex mathematical formulas.] ((Is...is that what
those mean? I've not seen stuff this precisely calculated since
- Jamerson:
- [By now unable to suppress his smile.] ((I like it
- Ikemoto:
- ((...can see, we've arranged to demonstrate that, with
existing economic trends, we believe there is a 72.5% chance that
the smaller, more aggressive funds will continue to show favorable
- Jamerson:
- [Pointing at a panda cartoon with a speech bubble.]
((But the bear is saying 68.9328%?))
- Ikemoto:
- [Trying her best to maintain her composure.]
((Ahh...yes! So he does. He's...citing a figure provided
by...Nippon Stock Exchange...showing...net gains...for larger
- Amano:
- [Sarcastically to himself.] Oh he is, is he?
- [Cut back to the Butsumetsu mathematics building. Kimura has
wrapped up her presentation and is making concluding statements.]
- Kimura:
- [Bows.] Thank you very much for allowing me to make this
presentation. I will await your decision at our next course
curriculum meeting. [Bows again and leaves.]
- Oinuma:
- Well...not quite what I was expecting. She seemed...a
little less sure of herself that I've known her.
- Kajiyama:
- Perhaps she was nervous. I suppose that's to be
expected. Nevertheless, I see your point about her academic
skills. I'll submit the necessary paperwork before the next
semester starts.
- Oinuma:
- Then you're satisfied with her mathematical ability?
- Kajiyama:
- Oh I knew she had the talent to succeed in upper-
division math by looking at her test papers. [Slightly haughty.]
I was simply concerned about her maturity with all those silly
cartoon animals on her assignments. [Looking very satisfied.]
But I have to admit; that presentation was one of the most
professional I've seen in a long time. [Straightens his tie as
both leave the office.] Almost made me want to go buy some stock.
- [Cut back to the Mason boardroom. As the meeting is breaking up,
Jamerson and McNamara approach Ikemoto.]
- Jamerson:
- ((Well, I'll say your style is...unorthodox, but I have
to say I was impressed with your figures.))
- McNamara:
- ((Could we get a hard copy of some of those figures?
I'd like some of our people to confirm your calculations.))
- Ikemoto:
- ((Well...I'll have to...get them reprinted of
- McNamara:
- ((Certainly.)) [To Ezaki.] ((That was an engaging
presentation. She is an...interesting person.))
- Amano:
- [With an amused expression after listening to the
translator.] Yes, around here we call her the "Bunny Queen".
- Ikemoto:
- [Gritting her teeth.] ...
- Ezaki:
- [Visibly uncomfortable.] Ah...yes. I hope we can do
business nonetheless.
- McNamara:
- [After hearing the translation.] ((We will of course
be going over several proposals and we will be in contact soon.))
- Ezaki:
- [After hearing the translation.] Of course. [All parties
bow to each other, then he turns to face Ikemoto.] I would like
to see you in my office.
- Ikemoto:
- [Follows with her head down.] ...
- Amano:
- [Smiling with cold satisfaction to Ginga.] Well, you'd
better distance yourself off from her...she's bound to be
reassigned after this.
- Ginga:
- [Watches with curiosity.] Perhaps...
- [Cut to Ayukawa's apartment. After she finishes reading a book on
Classical Music History, she puts it down and looks at the clock.
Noting that Kimura will be coming over soon, she turns on the
television to occupy some time until her arrival.]
- Television:
- ...but Kanemaru-san continued to deny any wrongdoing.
Prime Minister Miyazawa has stated his confidence in Kanemaru-
san's integrity. In sports today, the Hawks upset the Lions
behind a strong performance by Akiyama who went 4 for 4 against
his former team...
- Ayukawa:
- [Gets up as she hears a knock on the door.] Ah! Keiko-
san! How did it go?
- Kimura:
- [Bubbly smile.] Well, it was a little confusing; the
slides were different!
- Ayukawa:
- [Surprised expression.] Eh? What do you mean
- Kimura:
- [Shows Ayukawa one of the presentation slides.]
Kajiyama-gakubucho said I'll have to stay in the freshman class
until the end of the fall semester, but he'd evaluate my status
- Ayukawa:
- [Looks over the slides.] Uh oh...[Her realizations are
interrupted by the door opening.]
- Kasuga:
- [At the front door.] Ayukawa? Are you two ready to go?
- Ayukawa:
- Kasuga-kun! [Holds up the slides.] What's the meaning
of this?
- Kasuga:
- Eh? [Leafs through the slides.] What's this?
- Ayukawa:
- This is what you delivered to Keiko-san this morning.
It's Ikemoto-san's sales presentation.
- Kasuga:
- Then what did I drop off at Maso...? [He is interrupted
by the door opening again, this time with more force.]
- Ikemoto:
- [Looking very angry as she storms into the apartment.]
Where is he?!?
- Television:
- ...and Butsumetsu split the series with Kyodai*,
losing the day game 5-3, and coming back to win the nightcap 7-2
and Waseda continues it's dominance over Todai**, winning 9-1.
Other scores include...
*Kyoto University
**Tokyo University
- Kasuga:
- [Looking fearful.] Ahh...what's wrong?
- Ikemoto:
- What's wrong?!? [Grabbing Kasuga by his shirt lapels.]
You *ruined* my presentation and made me the laughing stock of the
- Kimura:
- [Shocked expression.] Hidoi*! Madoka-san, what is she
talking about?
*How awful, terrible
- Ayukawa:
- ... [Momentarily speechless, then with an annoyed
tone.] Now just a minute! It was an honest mistake; it...[Pauses
slightly.] could have happened to anyone!
- [Just then, the telephone rings.]
- Ayukawa:
- [Walks across the room and picks up the phone.] Hello?
- Hayashibara:
- [From the telephone.] Hi...it's me. I'm calling
from Kyoto.
- Ikemoto:
- [Still holding Kasuga's shirt as Ayukawa talks on the
telephone.] How could you be so stupid?!?
- Kasuga:
- [Fearfully.] Mistake! It was a mistake!
- Ayukawa:
- [Still trying but failing to keep track of the
conversation occurring across the room.] Hello...I saw the game
on television. You...[Long pause to consider what she says.
Glancing over her shoulder, she sees Ikemoto, Kasuga, and Kimura
involved in an animated but hushed discussion.] did well in the
second game. The announcer said you're right behind Doi-san in
- Hayashibara:
- [Cheerfully.] Well Doi-sempai is our team's best
hitter. [More seriously.] Ayukawa-san...about the other
night...I just wanted to clear things up...
- Ayukawa:
- [Softly.] Yes, I wanted to talk to you too...you...did
catch me off guard.
- Hayashibara:
- Does...Kasuga-san know about that?
- Ayukawa:
- No...[Glances guiltily back at Kasuga.] I haven't told
him yet.
- Television:
- ...repeating our top financial news, Jackson & Stein
Investment Group made a surprise announcement today, stating that
they intend to acquire a large block of Mason Financial's trading
stock on the international market. Experts expressed their
surprise as it was widely expected...
- Ikemoto:
- [Attention being drawn towards the TV.] Ca-can't be...
- Kasuga:
- [Sheepishly.] Can you let me go now?
- Hayashibara:
- Well...please don't. I think...we should try
to...forget about what happened that night.
- Ayukawa:
- Eh? Are you saying you don't feel that way after all?
- Hayashibara:
- No...I mean...it's just that...I don't want to be
the one to come between you and Kasuga-san.
- Ayukawa:
- I see...[Sighs.] You're right...it...would be easier
for all concerned. I hope...I want us to still be friends.
- Hayashibara:
- I would like that very much as well. Goodbye...I'll
see you when I get back. [To himself as he hangs up.] This was
the right thing to do...[Hangs his head, only partially from post-
game fatigue.] I really wish I could convince myself that was
true...[Fails to notice his hand still gripping the receiver,
knuckles gone white.]
- Ayukawa:
- [Hangs up, then stares at the phone. Softly, she
whispers.] Hayashibara-san...
- Kasuga:
- [Walks up to her with Kimura.] Ayukawa, who was that?
- Ayukawa:
- [Startled.] E...eh? Ah, it was Hayashibara-san.
- Kimura:
- He called you all the way from Kyodai? Sugoi*! Did he
ask about me?
- Ayukawa:
- He's...glad everything's all right.
- Kimura:
- He remembered me? Lucky! [Claps her hands together.]
Madoka-san, isn't it wonderful being in the thoughts of someone so
- Kasuga:
- ...
- Ayukawa:
- [Forces a smile.] Un! Now let's celebrate your success
by going shopping. Dinner's my treat.
- Kimura:
- [Smiles.] Yaay!
- [Cut to half an hour later. As the trio ride in a train car, the
click-clack of the tracks echo in the background.]
- Kasuga:
- Che*, I didn't think Ikemoto-san would ever stop
lecturing me. She finally stomped off to her room. [Smiles
nervously.] It was an honest mistake!
*Mild Japanese expression of disappointment/irritation
- Kimura:
- [Dolefully.] Ikemoto-san was so mean to Kyo-
chan...Madoka-san, the printer's shop must have switched them!
- Ayukawa:
- Ah...[Glances at the roof of the car.] yes that must be
it. I suppose all's well that ends well. [Smiles.] Now tell us
more about your presentation. Oinuma-sensei must have been very
proud of you.
- Kimura:
- Hai! I was really nervous at first, and when the slides
looked different I thought...
- [As Kimura and Kasuga laugh about what happened, Ayukawa looks
away. Finding herself thinking of Hayashibara, one line repeats
in her mind. "Madoka...I love you..."]
- Kimura:
- And then Oinuma-sensei said...Madoka-san? Madoka-san?
Is something wrong?
- Ayukawa:
- [Turns back quickly.] N...no, of course not.
- Kimura:
- ...
- Kasuga Narration:
- At that moment, I knew something was bothering
Ayukawa, but I didn't think much of it at the time. If only I did, maybe some unfortunate events could have been prevented...]
- [Cut to the Suntory Beer Garden on the roof of the Suntory
Building. Ginga walks into the rooftop garden, ignoring the view
of surrounding Akasaka and goes to the bar. After ordering a
beer, he sits down next to Tanaka who is waiting at a table.
Smoke rises from the sizzling barbecue sirloin cooking on the
table grill.]
- Tanaka:
- [Quietly hands Ginga a small envelope.] I understand
you've been having difficulties.
- Ginga:
- [Pockets the envelope and quaffs his first drink.] You'd
think a woman as attractive as her would be more interested
in...after-office activities.
- Tanaka:
- [Pulls off a slice of sirloin and eats slowly.] Akujo no
*Ugly women are more passionate(Japanese proverb)
- Ginga:
- [Orders another drink.] Well, the inverse is proving true
here; she's too cold to seduce and too sharp to fool. About all
she's interested in is money and opportunity. Now that she's
successfully sold that stock deal, there are a lot of other
managers and staff trying to follow her progress. It's going to
be harder than ever to try and gain favors from her.
- Tanaka:
- I see. [Smiles] A woman like my own heart. [Hands
Ginga an envelope of money.] Here.
- Ginga:
- What's this for?
- Tanaka:
- Get her to open a few accounts for your friends as their
broker. Let's see if blackmail will succeed where greed won't.
New Characters Designer/Writer Stephen Tsai
Doujinshi Artwork Tony Jung
Pre-readers Robert Carragher
Chung-Mau Cheng
Brian Edmonds
Jeffrey T. Hollen
James Holman
Quincy S. Huoh
Jim Ramberg
Lisa Richardson
Tony Schrick
Eric Shen
Takebe Rika
Jeff Williamson
Very special thanks to Hitoshi Doi
A tip of the hat and a deep bow to Matsumoto Izumi for starting
the whole thing
If I left anyone off, my apologies. Any mistakes/embarrassing
faux pas are entirely my own. If there is anything here you must
flame, aim them at me and me alone.
Thank you for taking the time to read this episode of my series.
Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again!
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Changes last made on: Wed Feb 4 13:22:04 1998