Kimagure Orange College

[Writer's foreword: This is the eighth episode of a fan-fict series based on the characters in Kimagure Orange Road. They are intended to take place after the movie, "I Want to Return to that Day", and follow the characters Kasuga Kyosuke and Ayukawa Madoka as they start the next phase of their lives in college.

If you missed the previous episodes, notes about the new characters, and previous events are listed after the ending credits. In addition, previous episodes are available at the ftp site.

One thing I would like to say up front: Although I and my co-writer have both graduated from college, our experience is in the American college system and culture. The span of our experience in the Japanese advanced education system is limited with what we can pick up watching anime, reading manga, and consulting with friends, pen pals and anime clubs. Any mistakes, inconsistencies, etc. are neither intentional nor are they meant to show disrespect for the Japanese education system. In fact, we would appreciate any constructive criticisms, corrections, and insight any readers might offer us. Mail all such letters, praises or flames to]

Episode 8 - A Day in the Life

[Open to Egami's room and office. As he sits down, he opens his ledger and begins his task of keeping his books straight. Once that is over, he pulls out a big cigar, lights it, takes a puff and relaxes for a moment. Then he pulls out another book from his shelf. This one is marked "Personal Journal".]

Egami [To himself as he begins to write.] With the spring session reaching the midway point, I finally decided to take the time to put to paper some of my observations about my new tenants and their friends who have made this house their unofficial meeting place.

[Cut to four days ago at Kamon'yama public park tennis courts, looking down across it from above. The view slowly zooms down towards a set of tennis courts.]

Kasuga Narration: It was a couple of days after Kimura's birthday party. In fact, it was just a week before Ayukawa's birthday, but Ayukawa was adamant about not wanting another party so soon after Kimura's party. So the only thing we had planned was a evening out in Roppongi. Anyway, the week before, we had gathered at the tennis courts for a few sets, and to settle the challenge that Katsu had issued to Hayashibara back at Kimura's party.

Katsu: OK, Mr. me what you got! [Tosses the ball up and smashes a powerful serve to Hayashibara.]

Hayashibara: [Moves into position and pulls back his racquet.] Got it! [Swings with considerable strength.] Ehh? [Watches as the ball rockets over the fence and out of the park.]

Katsu: [Chuckles as he points at the "home run".] see, there is a difference between tennis and baseball.

Hayashibara: [Tries to conceal his embarrassment.] Well, I was just warming up.

Kasuga: [Watching from the sideline.] Heh...looks like he's not so hot after all.

Ayukawa: [To Kasuga.] Let's see you do better.

Kasuga: [Gets up and picks up his racquet.] No problem.

Ayukawa: Without...[Gives Kasuga a meaningful look.]

Kasuga: Ahh...[Looks a little less sure.] hai. [Heads out to the court to replace Katsu.]

Katsu: [Whispers to Kasuga on his way off the court.] Hit to his backhand...he's got too much power in his forehand!

Kasuga: [Whispers back.] Thanks.

Hayashibara: [Bounced the ball a few times and gets ready to serve.] Alright Kasuga. [Gives him a competitive look.] Let's see how good you are.

Kasuga: [Returns his competitive stare.] I'm ready.

[Cut to Ayukawa and Katsu who are watching Kasuga and Hayashibara play. Behind them, Egami and Eiji walk up and watch.]

Katsu: [To Ayukawa.] Where did you learn to play like that? I've played for years, but I've never seen anyone play like that outside the college varsity team.

Ayukawa: [Shrugs.] Well, I picked up a few skills here and there.

Eiji: Ohayo Madoka-oneechan!

Ayukawa: [Turns around.] Ohayo Eiji-chan! [To Egami.] Ohayo Egami-san! Where is Fujimoto-san?

Egami: [Coarsely rubs Eiji's hair with a father-like gruffness.] Mariko-san went to runs some errands downtown and Eiji said he wasn't interested. So I offered to take him to the park!

Katsu: Well that was nice of you...[A little dubiously.] How come you never treat your other tenants like that?

Egami: [Sternly.] What are you, a little kid? [Points at Kasuga and Hayashibara.] What's going on?

Ayukawa: Those two want to see who's the better player. Kasuga- kun's not as good an athlete, but Hayashibara-san's having problems with control.

Egami: Tennis huh...? I played a little when I was younger. [Contemptuously after watching for a few points.] Hrumph...they're both holding their rackets wrong! The way Hayashibara-san is holding his, he'll send everything he hits over the fence and Kasuga-san also needs to improve his footwork.

Katsu: [Shrugs.] We tried. [Thinks for a moment, then looks down to Egami.] Since you know so much, why don't you play anymore?

Egami: I said I played; I'm not obsessed with the sport...[Looks at Katsu meaningfully.] Unlike some people, I keep my interests from overwhelming my better judgement!

Katsu: Hey, that's passion! At least I've got some!

Egami: Well, I have better things to do than blowing up my room every few weeks!

Katsu: Oh yeah? [With a mock threatening manner.] Well, you'd better watch out next time you take a drink, kanrinin-san!*


Egami: [Contemptuously.] Phah...right!

Katsu: [To Ayukawa.] So what do you want for your birthday?

Ayukawa: [A little hesitant.] I...don't have any expectations.

Katsu: Surely there must be something you had in mind.

Ayukawa: [Tries to change the subject.] Come on, we just had a birthday party. Besides, I didn't take you to be a partygoer.

Katsu: We're just talking about dinner with a few friends; that's not what I call a big party. Besides, I got something really special for you...

Ayukawa: [Holds up her hand to get his attention, then smiles.] No...fireworks.

[Cut back to Kasuga and Hayashibara. Hayashibara has a frustrated look on his face as he tosses the ball up for another serve. Kasuga awaits, but the expression on his face says that he's not worried, since he's not serving.]

Hayashibara: [Smashes the ball, sending it across the court. The ball streaks right past Kasuga's head without touching the court and blasts right through the holes of the wire fence.] Che!* Not again!

*Mild Japanese expression of disappointment/irritation

Katsu: Double fault...Love-forty! [To Ayukawa.] Geez...who'd have thought it?

Ayukawa: [To Katsu with an amused expression.] Hayashibara-san not being able to play or seeing a set with six straight break games?

Eiji: [Almost to himself.] What a couple of losers...

Egami: [Firmly pokes Eiji in the back.] I don't think your mother would approve of that attitude of yours!

Kasuga: [Relieved that he's doing better than he initially thought.] couldn't have aimed that last serve any worse if you tried. [To himself.] This isn't so bad...I'm doing pretty well!

Hayashibara: [Frustrated at his difficulties.] Oh yeah? This one for sure! [Tosses the ball up and swings his racquet with all his strength. This time, the ball hits the court right on the service line, bounces up and hits Kasuga right between the legs.] ... [Hayashibara's face turns red with embarrassment.] Kasuga- san are you alright?

Kasuga: [Drops to his knees with a painful expression on his face.] Urk...!

Eiji: [Face agape.] Wow...what a shot!

Ayukawa: [Rushes over to Kasuga and helps him up. Katsu is few seconds behind her.] Kasuga-kun, are you alright?

Katsu: [After helping Kasuga back to his feet and to the bench.] Well at least it was in the court...[Looks at his watch.] How about we call it a day?

[Cut back to Egami's room in the present.]

Egami: [To himself as he writes.] Heh...understandably, Kasuga- san missed his morning classes the next day recuperating from that shot. While he spent the morning with a bag of ice on his shorts, Saito-san, Kasamatsu-san and Kimura-san were busy taking notes in his math class. While Saito-san and Kasamatsu-san were catching Kasuga-san up on Oinuma-sensei's lecture, Kimura-san was relating to me what it was like in the lecture hall. [He sets his pencil down for a moment and pours himself a cup of green tea. He picks up the cup, then stops. Looking at the cup suspiciously, he then tentatively lifts the cup to his nose.] <Sniff!>

[Cut to the mathematics building three days ago. In the main lecture hall, Oinuma taps the blackboard with his pointer.]

Oinuma: ...provides us the solution from the method of constant coefficients. [Puts down the chalk, clears his throat, and turns towards the class.] Remember that chapters 1-4, 6-7, and 9-11 are going to be on the mid-term. Also be expected to provide a quantitative breakdown of the Fourier, Taylor, and Laurent series. [Bell rings.]

Kasamatsu: [Dejectedly to Saito.] Oh man that's brutal!

Saito: Che! We'll be up all night now! [Closes his notebook.] We'd better tell Kasuga the bad news!

Oinuma: [Speaking with a raised voice as the class gets up to leave.] I will be holding office hours at the usual time; in addition, I'll be holding a question and answer session next Wednesday night. Please inform your absent classmates.

Saito: [To Kasamatsu as they leave the lecture hall.] Say, what did you get for Ayukawa-san's birthday?

Kasamatsu: Well, I spent some extra time in the CAD lab and designed a wire-frame illo of the University skyline from a digitized photo. I even got the TA to print it out on the big plotter they've got in the upperclassman lab.

Saito: No dog droppings this time?

Kasamatsu: Gimme a break! [Proudly.] I never repeat myself! [More subdued.] But also, Ayukawa-san's a different kind of girl. More mature you know; she's...

Saito: [Finishing his thought.] ...not as gullible as Kimura-san?

Kasamatsu: [Indignantly.] Well, if you're going to be totally tactless about it...! [Tries to change the subject.] What did you get?

Saito: Remember that home-built computer in my parent's closet?

Kasamatsu: That old thing? It's obsolete!

Saito: Of course I cleaned it up, and overhauled it with modern parts! What did you think?

Kasamatsu: [Stops walking and thinks for a moment.] I...think Kasuga-san's a lucky guy!

Saito: [Surprised by this dropping of Kasamatsu's guard, then nods.] Hai.

[Cut back to the boarding house. Saito, Kimura, and Kasamatsu walk up the boarding house walkway, and enter the front door.]

Kasuga: [Fearfully.] Nine chapters?!? [To Kasamatsu.] You're joking right?

Kasamatsu: [Shakes his head.] Wish I were.

Saito: Let's go get Kimura-san; she's already finished the exercises for those chapters.

Kasamatsu: Well guys, don't worry about that right now! [Pulls out a printed sheet.] This is something I want to try while we've got enough people to enjoy it.

Kasuga: [Reads the top of the sheet.] Flame-broiled yakitori*?

*small shish-kabob-like servings of Japanese-styled barbecued chicken and vegetables served on metal or bamboo skewers.

Saito: [Nods.] Hai! I downloaded the receipe from a bulletin board. You should appreciate this; [Gestures at Kasuga's kitchenette cabinet.] don't you ever get tired of cup ramen?

Kasuga: [Apprehensively.] Well, I don't know. It looks like a pretty tough recipe.

Kasamatsu: [Smacks Kasuga in the back.] Oh come on! What could go wrong?

[Cut to Egami's room. Kimura is sitting on a mat across a low table from Egami. She picks up a porcelain pot and pours a cup of hot tea into the cup in front of Egami as he examines a cute medium-sized stuffed bear.]

Kimura: [Setting the tea pot down.] Kawaii-ne?*

*Isn't he cute?

Egami: [Politely, but apparently not a fan of cute.] I'm sure Ayukawa-san will love it... [Sipping his tea.] So you want to study math? [Looks her over, then frowns.] Do you have what it takes?

Kimura: [Innocently.] Well, otoosan* and okaasan** told me to...[While playing with the empty tea cup in front of her.]

*Father **Mother

Egami: [Thinks to himself.] Hrumph...this girl doesn't seem smart enough to tie her own shoes, much less for college-level math. [To Kimura.] Take a look at this. [Hands her his financial ledger.] Accounting for instance...that uses some math.

Kimura: [Looks at the ledger with a confused expression on her face.] Eh? [Flips it over then begins reading.]

Egami: [Rolls his eyes at Kimura's apparent lack of comprehension.] If you're going to be a mathematics major you've got to be able to quickly and accurately maintain large quantities of numerical data.

Kimura: [Glancing through the book.] It looks like so much trouble.

Egami: Well it's my place! I bought it; I maintain it. I collect the monthly rent. It's my responsibility to maintain the integrity of the financial records necessary to...

Kimura: [Inquisitively.] So you just count the money?

Egami: [Fiercely.] THERE'S MORE TO IT THAN THAT!!! [Settles down.] There's local taxes, national taxes, real estate depreciation, capital gains, inflation, cost of repairs and maintenance. All of this which adds up to-

Kimura: [Brightly.] 562,283 yen?

Egami: [Sputters when he remembers the figure he had arrived at after the last few hours of work.] Im-impossible! No one can add all that up so fast! [Looks directly at Kimura.] NO ONE!

Kimura: [Surprised, then nods.] OK, just a sec! [Starts concentrating.] Hmm... Let's see... Hmm... [Five minutes later.] 562,283 yen! [Face returns to a bubbly expression.] Ne, how was that?

Egami: [Almost falls over sideways.] Urk!

[Cut back to the present.]

Egami: [To himself as he writes.] Talk about a dichotomy. But at least she knows what she's talking about. As far as the guys trying to cook, well...

[Cut back to the past. In the backyard, Kasamatsu is trying to light a stack of wood on a fire pit.]

Kasamatsu: [Frustrated look on his sweating face.] luck!

Kasuga: [Looking confused at the printed paper.] Marinate? [To Saito.] How much sauce are we suppose to use?

Saito: [Also looking confused from inexperience.] Uhh...all of it I guess.

Kasuga: [Empties the bottle of soja sauce into the bowl of meat.] What's next?

Saito: [Slowly.] Toss slowly...and add sesame oil

Kasuga: [Looks dubiously at the mixture.] Aren't we suppose to cut the meat into strips first?

Saito: Oops! [Puts his hand behind his head.]

Katsu: [Comes out the back door.] What are you guys trying to do?

Kasuga: [Looks up.] Oh Katsu-san! We're cooking.

Saito: [Frustrated.] You mean trying to...

Katsu: [To Kasuga.] You're getting bored of cup ramen? What about mid-terms?

Saito: Well, at least we won't study hungry.

Kasamatsu: [With the wood slowly starting to smoke.] Che...! We aren't eating anything until I can get this fire going.

Katsu: [Pulls out a test tube of clear fluid.] Well you could try this. It'll start fires pretty quick.

Kasamatsu: Great! [Frustratedly.] This pile of wood won't make a fool out of me any longer! [Empties the test tube onto the smoldering sticks.]

Katsu: [Panics.] NO, NOT ALL OF IT...!


[Cut back to the present.]

Egami: [To himself as he writes.] took those guys all night to clean up the mess! [Flips to the next page.] The next day was marked by the upcoming baseball game against Keio University. The player the Miyasato girls were babbling about all day was Hayashibara Akira, the young man I had recently met at the tennis courts. I had, of course, heard of him when he was the hero of his high school at Koshien*. What's more, the University sports pages call him the hottest recruit since Doi Masahiro. They left that evening as excited as I've ever seen them...

*Site for the Japan Senior High School Baseball Tournament

[Cut back to the past two days ago at the boarding house. Downstairs, the door to Room 2 is open.]

Yuko: [To Yoko.] Hurry up! We're gonna miss the pre-game ceremony!

Yoko: [Scrambling out, with two baseball tickets in her hands.] Hai!

Egami: [Strolling from down the hallway.] What's going on? You girls going anywhere?

Yuko: [To Egami looking very excited.] Hai jiisan*! We're taking on Keio University!

*In this usage, old man

Yoko: [To Egami as she closes their room door.] That's right! We're gonna watch Hayashibara-san blast another one out of the park!

Egami: I see...[Lights a fresh cigar.] Kanrinin-san.

Both Miyasato twins in unison: [With inquisitive looks on their faces.] Eh?


Both Miyasato twins in unison: [While scrambling out the front exit.] HAI!

Eiji's voice from Room 3: Oi jiisan! Not so loud out there!

Egami: [Cigar snaps between his fingers as he bangs on Room 3.] ALRIGHT YOU GUYS, WHO STARTED IT?


[Cut to downtown Tokyo. As the camera pans closer, the viewer can hear the sounds of gunfire and squealing tires. A red sports car is driving backwards at high speed as eight police squad cars pursue it with guns blazing.

Bean Bandit: [Driving backwards while Rally fires a MAC-11 out the side window.] I'm on the road everyday of the week. [Performs a backwards bootleg reverse.] So I know the value of good brakes.

[Cut to a more serene environment on another day. Rally is picking up mundane supplies from a local grocery market.]

Rally: [Closes the trunk of the car, gets in the driver's seat and starts the engine.] And when we're out on our own, we rely on good brakes for personal safety. So that's why we go to Midas.

Voiceover: At Midas we can't fix potholes or shrapnel, but we've been fixing the damage they cause for over twenty five years.

[Cut to another mission. Inspector Percy is in hot pursuit while Bean is driving at high speed on the docks.]

Bean Bandit: If you rely on your brakes to do your job...[Suddenly comes to a stop at the edge of the pier. Inspector Percy, not expecting the stop, streaks past him and yells Bean's name as he plunges into the bay.] then take your car to the experts with the know how to do it right!

Voiceover: At Midas we fix brakes and we fix them right.

[Writer's note: Standard Disclaimer.]


[Cut to the University baseball stadium. Thousands of students and fans are cheering and leaning forward at the edge of their seats. On the scoreboard, the inning-by-inning listing shows the score is 7-6 in favor of Keio.]

Radio Announcer: We're in the ninth and Keio University clinging to a one-run lead with one out, and Butsumetsu has a man at second! Shimamoto has already given up a single to Sagawa, who advanced to second on a fielder's choice with a groundout hit by Nose. Hayashibara's at the plate and Sagawa at second represents the tying run!

Both Miyasato twins in unison: [Yelling along with everyone else around them.] GO!...GO!...GO!

Radio Announcer: The pressure is really on Shimamoto...Hayashibara's already rocked the Keio pitching staff as he continues his outstanding freshman season. He's gone 2 for 2 with a triple, a double, a sacrifice fly and a walk. The count is 2 and's the pitch...<crack!>...and it's a booming line drive fair down the first base line! Sagawa comes in to score as Hayashibara comes around second base. Here comes the throw...Hayashibara slides and he at third!

Both Miyasato twins in unison: [As the home crowd erupts with excitement.] FURE, FURE BUTSUMETSU!*

*Hooray hooray for Butsumetsu!

Radio Announcer: Shimamoto is in real trouble now! The winning run is at third, and Doi, Butsumetsu's best hitter last year steps to the plate! Hayashibara leads away from third as the infield goes back. Shimamoto check Hayashibara at third, here's the pitch...<crack!>...and it's a line drive towards center field! Asou runs up and...makes a diving catch! Hayashibara tags at third and heads for home! Here comes the throw and...[Collective gasp from the crowd as Hayashibara and Shiomi collide at the plate.] he is...

[Cut to the locker room. The members of the Butsumetsu baseball are undressing out of their uniforms, showering, and chatting to each other about the game.]

Hayashibara: [Opening his locker, he sits down and exhales briefly to get his wind back. Taking off his cap, he suddenly notices a deodorant roll-on lying on the floor next to his locker.] Eh? [Holds it up to the couple of players around him.] Who's is this?

Sagawa: [To Hayashibara.] Oh you found it! Osugi's been having a fit looking for that!

Hayashibara: [Examining the roll-on; it looks heavily used and doesn't smell like deodorant.] What's this for?

Sagawa: [Whispers from the adjoining locker.] That's Osugi Katsuo's "roll-on". He keeps his "magic pitching elixir" hidden in it.

Hayashibara: [Takes a whiff and recoils.] What is that...? [Gives it to Sagawa.] It smells disgusting!

Sagawa: [Whispering.] Keep a lid on it! Matsuoka-kantoku* would throw him off the squad if he found out! Let's see...[Thinks.] he told me turpentine, baby oil, and rosin. Before each game, he rolls some of it on his jersey, then when he gets in a tight fix, he gets a little sweat on his fingers, wipes his jersey, and he's ready. He told me it drops his fastball at least an inch or two.

*Coach Matsuoka

Hayashibara: I've heard of a few "magic elixirs" when I was in high school, but that's a little extreme don't you think?

Assistant coach: [Entering the locker room.] Hayashibara-san?

Hayashibara: [Just starting to unbutton his outer jersey.] Hai?

Assistant coach: There are two girls outside who insist on seeing you. [Nervously pulling the recent wrinkles out of his shirt, while rubbing his swollen cheeks.] They were...most insistent.

[Cut to just outside the entrance of the home team dressing room.]

Yoko: [Barely restraining herself from removing Hayashibara's unbuttoned jersey without his help.] ...just wanted to tell you how great we thought you played! You really came through when the pressure was on!

Yuko: [Also needing an effort of will to keep her hands to herself.] And the way you totalled that catcher! Probably shook loose a couple of teeth along with the ball, right?

Yoko: [Coldly satisfied.] He deserved it! He was blocking the plate!

Yuko: [Smacks her fist against her palm.] Well, he won't be blocking much of anything for at least a-

Hayashibara: [Interrupts.] Shiomi-san has already told me he's going to be fine. We're only competitors on the field. [Smiles.] I appreciate your support for the team; thanks! [Smile slips a bit as he tries to take a closer look at the twins.] There...really isn't any telling you two apart is there?

Yuko: [Shakes her head.] Nonsense! Yoko's taller.

Hayashibara: [Unconvinced tone as he tries to see the difference.] Err...well...she doesn't look...

Yoko: Wait, I got it! [Gives Yuko a hair ribbon.] Put this on!

Yuko: [Ties her hair into a ponytail.] Me? Why is it always me?

Hayashibara: [Interrupts them before they can go further.] Well this sounds interesting, but I've got to finish undressing...

Both Miyasato's in unison: [Lean forwards as their eyes widen.] ...

Hayashibara: ...err...I mean changing!

Both Miyasato's in unison: [Lean back with a little disappointment.] ...

Hayashibara: [Recovering from his Freudian slip.] But I'll see you girls at Ayukawa-san's birthday celebration.

Yuko: Oh shoot...that's tomorrow night! We still gotta get presents!

Yoko: Come on [Grabs Yuko's arm and drags her away.] let's go! Daimaru's* close by and it'll be open for a little while longer!

*Major department store chain in Japan

Yuko: [Waves to Hayashibara as they both leave.] Sayonara!*


[Cut back to the locker room. Hayashibara pulls off his undershirt and steps into the standing shower area. As the water sprays on him, he opens the soap bottle and applies it on himself, lathering it up generously. After he finishes showering, he goes to his locker and gets dressed in street clothes.]

Nose: [To Hayashibara from across the now-almost empty locker room.] Hey Hayashibara-san! The guys are getting together tonight at the Daikokuya*. Do you want to come?

*Restaurant in Shinjuku

Hayashibara: [Looking a little distracted.] Why don't you guys go ahead? [Pulls a photo out of his wallet.] I've got a birthday party planned.

Nose: Well OK. We'll see you tomorrow at practice then.

Hayashibara: Right...[As soon as he alone, he looks at the photo again. The view shifts, showing Ayukawa's face on the photo. He then sighs and carefully puts the photo back into his wallet. His jaw tightens with an expression of regret as his own words echo from recent memory.] "...but she's your girlfriend."

[Cut back to the present.]

Egami: [To himself as he writes.] He's a lucky guy; he could probably get any girl he wanted. What's more, he doesn't have problems with money, coming from a rich family. On the other side of the coin, some others aren't so fortunate; thus, like the baseball season, the collegiate tradition of part-times begins as well.

[Cut to the previous day.. As the morning sun comes up, Kasuga checks a newspaper, then enters a kissaten* called the Chez Kooun**. As the door opens, a bell rings, designating a new customer. Inside, businessmen accept a strong cup of coffee as they prepare for work and students snack on fast food on their way to class. The atmosphere is casual, clean and friendly. Kasuga smiles as he approaches the counter.]

*Small cafe that serves coffee, tea and light refreshments

**Lucky house--kissatens often have Chinese or French names

Kasuga: [To himself.] This place looks promising. Hope I can make a better impression than yesterday...[Quick scene flash showing Kasuga inadvertently making a chicken fried steak by dropping a hamburger patty into a vat of hot oil used to make french fries.] [To the waitress.] Hello? I'm here about the open position.

Waitress: [Friendly and cheerful.] Yes, I'm glad you're here! [Gestures to one of the stools.] Have a seat! I'm Aoki Eriko!

Kasuga: I'm Kasuga Kyosuke, nice to meet you! [Sits down. The waitress is a tall young girl about twenty years old. She has long blond hair and an attractive face. Kasuga notes to himself...] She is kinda pretty, [Determined look on his face.] but I can trust myself to stay professional working with a pretty girl.

Aoki: [Looking over the application form.] ABCB eh? I went there was a nice place. How soon can you start?

Kasuga: [A little surprised.] Well...immediately.

Aoki: [Tosses him a rag, gestures towards the back and smiles.] Great! The lunch crowd's going to be here in an hour or so. We can use someone with experience. [Calls to the back.] Reiko! The new guy's here! Can you show him around the back? [Another pretty girl walks through the double kitchen doors. She's wearing the same uniform, stands about a head shorter, is a few years younger and has medium length brown hair.

Second Waitress: Hi! [Bows.] I'm Nakamura Reiko! Let's see if we can get you fitted. [Calls into the kitchen in the back of the kissaten.] Hitomi! Naoko! New guy!

Kasuga: [To himself in panic as he suddenly realizes something as he disappears behind the swinging doors amid the sounds of giggles.] Oh shoot...of all the places I get accepted, it had to be a bijin* kissaten!

*Beautiful girl coffee shop--so-called because their waitresses are often picked for their beauty.

[Cut to Roppongi station later that afternoon. As the train pulls in to a stop, Kasuga and Ayukawa disembark and walk up to the loading ramp.]

Ayukawa: [To Kasuga.] So did you find a part-time?

Kasuga: [Nervously.] Ahh...hai...[Puts his hand behind his head.] I found a kissaten who was accepting kitchen help.

Ayukawa: What's it like?

Kasuga: [Starts to sweat.] a good place. It's sort of like ABCB.

Ayukawa: [Smiles.] Really? I'll have to drop by sometime!

Kasuga: [Swallows.] <Gulp!>

Ayukawa: So where is this place we're going anyway?

Kasuga: [Relieved to be changing the subject.] Katsu-san told me it was a hamburger place.

Tanaka: [From behind them dressed in a dark-blue business suit.] This is a pleasant surprise Kasuga-san.

Kasuga: [Turns around with a surprised look.] Tanaka-san! What are you doing here?

Tanaka: [Vaguely.] Let's just call it...professional obligations. [To Ayukawa.] And you must be Ayukawa-san. After hearing so much about you, it is a pleasure to meet you at last. [Bows deeply.]

Ayukawa: [Surprised by the formal greeting.]'s nice to meet you too. Kasuga: [To Ayukawa.] This is my next door neighbor Tanaka-san. He's...[Thinks for a moment.] well...actually, I don't know what you do.

Tanaka: [Smiles.] I was...recently involved in financial affairs. Currently I'm...between assignments.

Ayukawa: roommate works in finance.

Tanaka: [Almost to himself with a raised eyebrow.] Oh really...? [Looks at Ayukawa.] You know, now that I've had this opportunity to meet you, I can see you really are as lovely as Kasuga-san told me. I hope you'll do me the distinct honor of accepting my friendship.

Ayukawa: ...

[Cut back to the present.]

Egami: [To himself as he writes.] The tenant I know the least about is Tanaka-san. Ironic...[Picks up his cup and takes another sip of tea.] he's been here longer than any other tenant other than Mariko-san, but he's the one who still remains a mystery. I confess it didn't bother me at first, since I don't consider myself one to pry, but lately I have been sharing Mariko-san's concerns about Tanaka-san's agenda and goals. As much as what he's saying, I've learned it's what he's not saying that disturbs me the most. Lately, he seems to have taken a personal interest in Kasuga-san. Where this will lead, I'm still not certain.

[Cut back to last night at the Johnny Rockets hamburger restaurant. The restaurant is located on the second floor of a building on Roppongi Crossing. The inside is decorated like an American 1950's diner, with jukeboxes playing in each corner. As Ayukawa and Kasuga make their way through the crowd, they come to a stop at a long table. Katsu, Kimura, Kasamatsu, Saito, Hayashibara, Yoko and Yuko are present. Ayukawa and Kasuga sit down together at one end of the table.]

Ayukawa: [Noticing the size of the group.] I thought we agreed on no big deal.

Katsu: Don't blame Kasuga; this was our idea!

Kimura: We couldn't just let your birthday pass by!

Saito: Birthdays are important; a significant step in all our lives.

Kasamatsu: That's right; you're only going to turn nineteen once; enjoy it!

Both Miyasato twins in unison: Hai!

Ayukawa: [A little embarrassed by the attention, but smiles at everyone.] Thank you.

Hayashibara: [Lifts his glass.] A toast!

Kasuga: [Tentatively, he takes her hand.] Ayukawa...

Ayukawa: [Smiles.] Kasuga-kun...

Kasuga Narration: I look back on this time of my life with gratification; some of the best days of our lives were spent with the friends we made in college. This was an important time in our lives...and I was happy to spend them together. Ayukawa...[Holds up his toast along with everyone else.] Happy Birthday!

[Scene freezes as the glass clink, then cut back to the present.]

Egami: [To himself as he writes.] A birthday party...what a way to end the month. [Sighs, then continues to write.] I've had many unusual students in my time spend their academic careers at the house, but this group is bound to top them all. An overly- enthusiastic indecisive writer...a pair of explosive- tempered sisters. Then when I think of their friends...a rising baseball star...a weirdo engineer...a computer air- headed math aspiring and talented about a slice of the college crowd pie. I don't know what to expect from the future with this bunch, but one thing is for certain...[Stops writing for a moment, then smiles.] It's bound to be an interesting four years...for all of us.


New Characters Designer/Writer          Stephen Tsai
Co-writer                               Andy Combs
Doujinshi Artwork                       Tony Jung
Pre-readers                             Ravi Konchigeri
                                        Jim Ramberg
                                        Christian Gadeken
                                        George Yim
                                        Charles Winata
                                        Lisa Richardson
                                        Alexander Chien
                                        Brian Edmonds
                                        Robert DeLoura
                                        Peter Van Overen
                                        Pascal Janin
Very special thanks to                  Hitoshi Doi

A tip of the hat and a deep bow to      Matsumoto Izumi for starting 
the whole thing
If I left anyone off, my apologies. Any mistakes/embarrassing faux pas are entirely my own. If there is anything here you must flame, aim them at me and me alone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this episode of my series. I have the next episode in the works.

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again!

For the new readers: I'll be doing character profiles, major location descriptions, and situation updates on a rotating basis for each episode. If there is a particular character, place or event that you would like to know more about, and it is not being covered, don't hesitate to email me and I will send you either a note or a copy of the episode it is introduced.

Focus on Tanaka [Introduced in Episode 3] - Kyosuke's next door neighbor, he lives in Room 4 in the boarding house. Tanaka-san is a mysterious man who no one knows about. Even his given name is unknown.

A manipulator, he only speaks after calculating what effects his words will have on others around him. He almost always manages to avoid direct blame and his real agenda is unknown. The only person who knows about him is Fujimoto Mariko, who does her best to stop his schemes and plans.

Visual Description: Tanaka-san is a tall man with slicked-back black hair. He has small eyes and a calculating look. He often wears sunglasses. Close anime comparisons include (but are not limited to) Yotsusa from Maison Ikkoku, and Gato (with black hair) from Gundum 0083.