Kimagure Orange College

[Writer's foreword: This is the seventh episode of a fan-fict series based on the characters in Kimagure Orange Road. They are intended to take place after the movie, "I Want to Return to that Day", and follow the characters Kasuga Kyosuke and Ayukawa Madoka as they start the next phase of their lives in college.

If you missed the previous episodes, notes about the new characters, and previous events are listed after the ending credits. In addition, previous episodes are available at the ftp site.

One thing I would like to say up front: Although I and my co-writer have both graduated from college, our experience is in the American college system and culture. The span of our experience in the Japanese advanced education system is limited with what we can pick up watching anime, reading manga, and consulting with friends, pen pals and anime clubs. Any mistakes, inconsistencies, etc. are neither intentional nor are they meant to show disrespect for the Japanese education system. In fact, we would appreciate any constructive criticisms, corrections, and insight any readers might offer us. Mail all such letters, praises or flames to]

Episode 7 - Mystery Gift

[Open on a scene of Kasuga sitting at his desk. Spread out on the desk before him are several coins of various denominations, and couple of low value yen notes. Kasuga shifts the coins around, as if a different pattern might somehow show more money and sighs.]

Kasuga Narration: It was the middle of May, and due to several unplanned expenses, [Quick scene flashes show Kasuga paying extra rent money to Egami and paying off the Miyasato twins to keep quiet about having a pet on the premises.] plus having to buy a gift for Ayukawa's upcoming birthday, I found myself a little short of cash. Considering how little I had left, it looked like it was going to be instant ramen for me for the next couple of weeks. I could deal with that and, if there were no more unexpected expenses, I should have no real problems getting by...but that didn't mean I had to be happy about it.

Kasuga: [Sighs deeply once more, then gathers up the money and stuffs it into his wallet. Then he slides open a desk drawer, pulls out a small wooden box, and sets it on the desk.] It'll be a tough couple of weeks, but it'll be worth it when I give this to Ayukawa. [He lifts the top of the box, revealing a small figurine which begins to pirouette as "Summer Mirage" softly chimes from the box's spring mechanism. After playing the music for a few seconds, there's a knock at the door. Kasuga closes the music box and puts it back in the drawer before answering the door.]

Tanaka: Good morning, Kasuga-san.

Kasuga: Uh, good morning. [He gets a puzzled look on his face.] Can I help you with something?

Tanaka: Well, I had the morning free, and I realized that in spite of the fact that we are neighbors, we really don't know anything about each other. I thought that this might be a good opportunity to rectify that deficiency...unless you happen to be busy...

Kasuga: No...not really...

Tanaka: How marvelous...[Smiles.] might I come in, then?

Kasuga: [Still off-balanced by the situation.] I guess. [He moves aside, letting Tanaka enter. He then reaches over the desk and picks up two cushions.] I'm afraid that this is all I have for seating.

Tanaka: Quite all right. [Kneels on one of the cushions and sits.] I understand that you are going to college.

Kasuga: [Nods.] Yes, at Butsumetsu University.

Tanaka: I see...and you are majoring in, what was it, Literature?

Kasuga: [Relaxing a little.] Right.

Tanaka: Hmm...a bit of an unusual choice for a major...and I hope I'm not out of line by saying this, but there's not that much demand for that degree, is there?

Kasuga: Not really...I'm hoping to get into writing, but I'll probably end up teaching before I can break in anywhere.

Tanaka: Writing...remarkable. Well then, I wish you the best of luck.

Kasuga: Thanks...I'll need plenty of luck to break in.

Tanaka: Well...[smiles] if there's one thing you do have Kasuga- san, it's luck.

Kasuga: [Looks right at Tanaka.] I'm not sure what you mean...

Tanaka: Your friend...she's quite beautiful, if I may say so. What was her name again?

Kasuga: [Smiles now as well.] Ayukawa Madoka.

Tanaka: [To himself.] Even her name is beautiful...[Smiles.] As I said, you're very lucky.

Kasuga: Thank y...

Voice from down the hall: Kasuga-san!

Kasuga: [Stands up] That's Katsu. I'd better go see what he wants.

Tanaka: [Stands up and moves towards the door.] No problem...I'm sure we'll talk again at a later time. [Walks down the hall towards Room No. 4.] It's been very...informative.

[Kasuga walks towards Room No. 6 and knocks on the door.]

Katsu: Come in.

[Kasuga enters and glances around the apartment, which is even more cluttered than usual. In addition to the normal tubes, beakers, and burners, there are various colorful tubes scattered about the room, and a small stack of small round cones sit on the corner of one table. Katsu is busy working on something at one of the tables. He turns as Kasuga enters.]

Katsu: Ahh, Kasuga-san...good morning. I needed to ask your opinion on a couple of things.

Kasuga: No problem. [He picks up one of the tubes from the floor and gives it a closer look. The tube is about 6 inches long and an inch in diameter, hollow, and made of heavy cardboard. He glances at what Katsu is working on. Katsu is mixing several different powders together, carefully measuring each one. Kasuga glances back at the tube.] What are you up to this time? What's that stuff you're working on there?

Katsu: This? [He pours another small amount of chemical into the mix, closes the top of the beaker he's mixing in, and picks it up.] It's a mixture of carbon, potassium nitrate, potassium chlorate, sulf...

Kasuga: Katsu!

Katsu: What? [Realizes he's getting too technical, and grins sheepishly.] Sorry...well, I've added a few compounds of my own, [Offers the beaker over to Kasuga to examine.] but it's basically black powder.

Kasuga: [Takes the beaker and holds it up to look at it closely.] Black powder? What's that?

Katsu: [Chuckles] Basically it's a primitive form of gunpowder.

Kasuga: What!?! [Almost drops the beaker in surprise. After getting ahold of it again, he holds it very securely...with both hands. He then hands it back to Katsu.] What's going on? Isn't playing with gunpowder, uhh...dangerous?

Katsu: Oh I'm not playing with it. I'm making fireworks.

Kasuga: That's not quite what I...[looks at the tubes again.] Fireworks?

Katsu: Yes...I figure that after the party tonight we could go out as a group to one of the nearby beaches and shoot them off.

Kasuga: Yeah, but still...isn't making fireworks in your apartment pretty dange...[A realization suddenly hits him.] Uhh...Katsu-san, I hope you don't mind me asking but...[pauses.] what party tonight?

Katsu: Huh? Kimura's birthday party is tonight. [Kasuga blinks. (Poit) :-)] You don't know about it? No one told you? Ouch...I'm sorry. I thought Ayukawa-san was going to tell you.

Kasuga: [He brushes a couple of tubes off a chair and sits down.] No she hasn't...

Katsu: Well, it's a surprise party for her. Everyone's going to be there. Saito-san, Kasamatsu-san, the Miyasato twins...

Kasuga Narration: A surprise birthday party for Kimura? That means I'll have to get a gift for her. [A view flashes of the money on his desk from earlier.] I guess I can ask Ayukawa to lend me the money...[A view flashes of Ayukawa. She has a stern look on her face, and is shaking her finger at Kasuga.] Then again, I really don't want to be lectured by her. This is looking like it'll be the worst.

Katsu: Kasuga-san!

Kasuga: [Snapping back to reality.] Uhh...sorry about that. [He remembers where he is and what Katsu is working on, and decides a hasty retreat is in order.] Well, I'd better get going. I've gotta go to the department store and find something to give Kimura.

Katsu: No problem. [Kasuga slips out the door and is gone.] Hey Ka...! [He sighs.] Shoot...he didn't even give me a chance to ask him which color he thought Kimura-san would like for the finale.

[Cut to Kasuga, who runs down the stairs, put his shoes on, then goes out to unlock his scooter.]

Kasuga Narration: I'm not normally one to run out on a friend like this, but with Katsu's habit of making things that aren't explosive explode anyway, it's probably best for me to be nowhere around while he's working on something that's intended to explode. Right now though, I have other problems. As if my money wasn't tight enough already, now I have to find a gift for Kimura.

[Kasuga starts up his scooter and accelerates as soon as the tires hit the main street in front of the boarding house. As he pulls away, a loud explosion can be heard behind him from the boarding house.]

Egami's voice from the boarding house: KATSU...!!!!

Katsu's voice from the boarding house: AHH...I'M VERY SORRY!!!

[Cut to the Mitsukoshi Department store. The store is packed with the weekend crowd as families and groups of people fill the various departments. Kasuga is walking through the women's clothing area, pulling out various items at random. Although he manages to find a few outfits that catch his eye, he winces when he sees the price tags.]

Kasuga [Sits down dejectedly at a bench as he says to himself...] There's got to be some way I can afford to get a gift for her...[sighs]

Voice: Having problems, cousin?

Kasuga: [Turns around and see...] Akane...

Akane: That's me. [She grins and takes a seat beside Kasuga.] OK. You need to get a gift, and you have no money, right?

Kasuga: [Puzzled] Yes.

Akane: [nods] And, if I know you, you've had no luck deciding what to get her even if you had the money, right?

Kasuga: [a little irritated] I guess.

Akane: Great!

Kasuga: [more irritated] What's so great about it?

Akane: What's great is I'm going to come to your rescue once more.

Kasuga: [Now suspicious] Who said I needed rescuing?

Akane: Calm down, Kyosuke. Let me put it this way...I happen to have a little extra cash this month. I can go pick out a gift for you, and you can pay me back next month. How does that sound?

Kasuga: [A bit off guard now] What's in it for you?

Akane: Not a thing...well...I guess maybe a little conscience easing. I sorta owe you after the stunt I pulled a while back with you and Kimura-san. I did go a bit overboard on that one, I guess.

Kasuga Narration: As much as it bothered me to admit it, Akane's idea did look like it would solve my problems, at least the ones involving the present.

Akane: Well? What do you think, Kyosuke?

Kasuga: Given the situation, I don't have a lot of choice. OK, Akane...go for it.

Akane: Great! When do you need it?

Kasuga: [Meekly] Tonight...

Akane: I should have known. You always put things off until the last minute. OK, I'll bring it by your room this afternoon.

Kasuga: Uh...Akane?

Akane: What, Kyosuke?

Kasuga: [Quietly] Thanks.

Akane: [Grinning] No problem at all. [She gives Kasuga a pat on the shoulder, and wanders off, whistling to herself.]

Kasuga: [Stares at Akane as she leaves, as he still can't believe his luck. After she has been lost from sight for a few seconds, he gets up, and heads off in a different direction as he says to himself...] I've always said I never know what to expect from Akane...[smiles] but maybe she's really trying to straighten out...

[Cut back to Akane. She pulls out her wallet, checks on her available money, then puts it back in her pocket. She thinks for a moment, then starts leafing through the various items of clothing on the racks.]

Akane: [To herself] Poor Kyosuke...he's lucky I came along. if I were Kyosuke, what would I give her? Assuming that I could ever make up my mind on a gift. [She chuckles, then starts browsing through a couple of departments as she passes.] Hmm...maybe I better stop imagining I'm him. I can't seem to think of anything appro...[She stops as she spots another set of merchandise. A grin spreads across Akane's face.] That's perfect...just the thing to have Kyosuke give her. [She grabs the merchandise and heads for the counter.]

[Cut to Ayukawa's apartment. In the kitchen, there are several small bowls layed out as Ayukawa pours a cup of flour into the main mixing bowl.]

Ayukawa: [While stirring.] Well, I didn't think it was a problem.

Ikemoto: [Holding a cordless vacuum, and sliding it over the den table.] I just have a problem with parties. They make a mess, they're noisy, they're...

Ayukawa: These people are mature adults. I'm sure there won't be any problems.

Ikemoto: [Stops the vacuum, and sighs.] When is this party?

Ayukawa: Tonight.

Ikemoto: Well, [considers for a moment.] I suppose I can put in some extra time at the office tonight.

Ayukawa: Well, you're welcome to...

Ikemoto: [Waves her hand.] No, I've really got to finish this account anyway. [She smiles for a moment, then her stern expression returns.] Ayukawa-chan?

Ayukawa: What?

Ikemoto: This place better be clean when I get back...

Ayukawa: [Smiles.] No problem.

[Cut to the alley near Kasuga's boarding house. The view is looking down the alley and out the entrance. Akane passes by the front of the alley, a small gift-wrapped package in her hands. Just as she passes, a rustling sound is heard from the back of the alley. Akane spins around and looks in the direction of the sound.]

Akane: Is someone there? [She advances a couple of steps down the alley. Suddenly a large orange cat bursts from behind some boxes and takes off down the alley away from her. Akane chuckles, then turns around and heads out of the alley.] Hrumph...[smiles] now I'm starting to act like Kyosuke. [As she leaves, a figure in the shadows shifts back to his previous position.]

Figure in the shadows: [Whispers to himself] That was close...staying in this alleyway is getting dangerous. I would have... problems explaining things if I was caught. But I just have to find out if what I saw back at the baseball stadium was real.

[Cut to Room No. 5. Kasuga is scribbling on a pad of paper on his desk. A knock on the door interrupts him. He frowns momentarily, then puts his pencil down. He gets up, crosses the room, and opens the door.]

Akane: Good afternoon, Kyosuke.

Kasuga: Ahh... Good afternoon Akane.

Akane: Here you go. [She holds out the wrapped gift to Kasuga. The gift is about eight inches by ten inches by one inch.]

Kasuga: [Holds up the gift to examine it.] What is it?

Akane: That's my surprise.

Kasuga: Hmm...I don't know...

Akane: Trust me, Kyosuke...I promise she'll like it.

Kasuga: Well, I guess. [Relaxes his guard.] Thanks for doing this for me Akane.

Akane: No problem at all, Kyosuke, no problem at all. [She gives a wave, and turns to head back out of the building.]

Kasuga: Umm...Akane?

Akane: [Stops and looks back.] What Kyosuke?

Kasuga: Well, I just thought...[Puts his hand behind his head.] Well, you did all this for me and...well, there's a party tonight, and...

Akane: [She holds up a hand for him to stop and smiles.] Are you trying to invite me?

Kasuga: [He nods, then narrows his eyes at Akane.] If you promise to behave. No using your power at the party for any reason.

Akane: [Smile broadens.] Why Kyosuke, do you think I would cause trouble?

Kasuga: [Crosses his arms and gives her a steely-eyed look.]

Akane: Where is this party?

Kasuga: It's at Ayukawa's place, but what's that got to do with you promising...

Akane: It just helps me make up my mind if it's worth the bother to go. OK, cousin, you've got my promise. From the moment I walk in the door, no powers.

Kasuga: OK, I'll call and let Ayukawa know you're coming...and I'll tell her your promise. The party starts at 8:00.

Akane: Sounds like fun. I'll see you there. [Turns to leave then stops.] Oh, and Kyosuke?

Kasuga: What?

Akane: Thanks for inviting me. [She turns and goes down the stairs before he can reply.]

Kasuga: [Turns and reenters his room. After staring at the gift for a few seconds, he shakes his head and then moves over to the phone. He picks it up and dials.] Ayukawa? Hi, it's me. Do you need any help setting up things over there? OK I'll be right over. Is there anyone else there? Good. [He hangs up, picks up the gift, then vanishes as he teleports away.]


[Camera pan to a Mega-Tokyo courtroom. A judge looks at a young, brown-haired woman wearing motorbike gear...]

Judge: [Firmly] 2000 yen for every kilometer over the speed limit! [Slams gavel.] <BAM!>

Priss: [Look of concern] But that's over 100000 yen!

Judge: [Unsympathetically and sarcastically] Oh, you can add fast! <BAM!>

Voiceover: When you need money fast...

[Show Priss dialing the phone in the courtroom. After getting an answer, she starts sweating and explaining her predicament. On the other end, Sylia makes another call while Linna and Nene are giggling in the background...]

Voiceover: ...come to Western Union! Our offices can get it there in less than 15 minutes!

[Show Godai standing in line with a stack of new textbooks. As the cashier rings up the sub-totals, Godai starts to sweat...]

Cashier: [Amused] Psychology! [Stacks a set of...expensive looking books on the table.]

Godai: <Gulp!>

Cashier: [Smiles even more at Godai's predicament.] Biology! [Stacks a set of even more expensive-looking lab tools.]

Godai: [Pulls out his wallet and starts to leaf through, not liking what he counts.] Uhh...!

Cashier: [Presses a button on the register.] Comes to ...[Big five-digit number comes up.]

Godai: [Now holding a phone, he starts to dial as the people in line start to protest.]

Voiceover: Western Union...the fastest way to send money!


[Cut to Ayukawa, still talking into the phone.]

Ayukawa: Hello? Hello? [She takes the phone away from her ear.] Hrumph...why'd he hang up without even saying goodbye. [She turns around and is momentarily startled to see Kasuga standing right behind her. After a moment, she recovers.] You know, someday, someone's going to see you do that.

Kasuga: [Reassuringly] It'll never happen. By the way, why didn't you tell me there was a party?

Ayukawa: Eh? Katsu-san was suppose to tell you.

Kasuga: No, he said you were...[The doorbell rings.]

Ayukawa: [Walks over towards the door and opens it.]'re early!

Hayashibara: Well, I had to find a good parking spot for our plan to work, right? [Offers a gift-wrapped box.]

Ayukawa: [Smiles as she accepts the box.] Right...well, come in! [Sets the box down on the table.] I have some work to finish in the kitchen so make yourself at home.

Hayashibara: [Smiles, then gently takes Ayukawa hand.] Don't be gone long Ayukawa-san! [Teeth gleam.]

Kasuga: [Look of concern on his face.] ... [Before he can say anything, the doorbell rings again.] I'll get it! [Opens the door.]

Both Miyasatos in unison: Good afternoon! [Both hand over identically gift-wrapped boxes.]

Kasuga: [Accepts both boxes.] Come on in. You're ear...[Drifts off when both sisters walk right past him without another word.]

Yuko: [Trying not to swoon as she says to Hayashibara...] I think you're great! I'm a big fan of yours!

Yoko: [Swoons as she says to Hayashibara...] I go to every game you play! I think you're great too!

Kasuga: [To himself.] Geez he's got it made...[Looks a little worried.] I wonder how Ayukawa feels about him...[His curiosity is interrupted by another knock at the door. Without taking his eyes off Hayashibara, Kasuga walks back towards the door and opens it.]

Saito, Kasamatsu, Katsu: Hi there! [Each hands over a box, then enters, leaving Kasuga with both arms full.]

Kasuga: Hey guys...?

Saito: Wow...[Admiring the apartment.] this place must set Ayukawa-san back a lot!

Katsu: Not really, she's rooming with someone.

Kasuga: Uhh...guys...? [Just manages to stagger over towards the table and set the presents on the table. Just as he does, the doorbell rings again.] Just a minute...

[Kasuga walks over to the door and opens it. As he opens the door, the clock strikes eight o'clock exactly.]

Akane: Good evening, Kyosuke. How's my timing? I didn't want to be late.

Kasuga: [Looks at the clock.] Right on time. [He grins, then notices that Akane has her hands hidden behind her. His smile fades into a frown.] What's going on, Akane?

Akane: [Grins] Oh, just a little something I brought to liven up the party. [She brings her hands out from behind her back and reveals two large bottles of sake.]

Kasuga: Akane! It's not that kind of party!

Akane: [Slips past Kasuga into the apartment.] I'm not going to force anyone to drink.

Kasuga: B-but...

[Akane sets the bottles down on the table and surveys the decorations, and the other attendees. She spots Hayashibara sitting on he other end of the couch, involved in a lively discussion with Katsu and Saito. Her eyes go wide as she realizes who he is, and she waves Kasuga over to her.]

Akane: [Whispered to Kasuga.] Is that who I think it is sitting over there?

Kasuga: [Mild irritation.] That's him. Hayashibara Akira.

Akane: How in the world did you get him to come to this thing?

Kasuga: [Growing irritation.] He's sort of a friend of Ayukawa.

Akane: Madoka-san? [She suddenly realizes something, and gives Kasuga a sharp look.] Ahh...I see. You're jealous.

Kasuga: [Curtly] Jealous? Me? Hrumph!

Hayashibara: Kasuga-san...why don't you come over and join us? And bring your friend as well.

Kasuga: Well...

Akane: [Grabs Kasuga's arm.] Come on, cousin. I'm not missing this chance to meet him.

Hayashibara: [Stands up and addresses Akane.] I don't believe we've met before. I'm Hayashibara Akira. [Bows.]

Akane: I know...I'm Kyosuke's cousin Akane. [Bows.] I'm pleased to meet you. I want you to know I'm a big fan of yours. I watch you play every chance I get. I...

Kasuga Narration: [While Akane continues her conversation] I've said it before, but it's still true. I never know what to expect from Akane. Considering her normal tastes, she's one of the last people I'd expect to see swooning over Hayashibara.

Hayashibara: [Somewhat embarrassed] ...flattered you think so.

Akane: Before you leave, can I have your autograph?

Kasuga: [Taking Akane's arm.] Can I talk to you? [Pulls Akane over to a corner of the room.] What's going on with you, Akane? Why are you fawning over Hayashibara.

Akane: I'm not fawning over him.

Kasuga: Sorry, bad choice of words. But know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't have thought he's your type.

Akane: Ahh...I see. That's what this is all about. OK, you're partially right. He's not my type. [Kasuga frowns.] But that's not what this is all about. This is about the fact that he's one of the best players to come through our school in a long time. This is about the fact that he's a sports hero to most of the school, me included...[She winds down, then smiles.] You're a bad influence on me, Kyosuke. I don't think I've ever done that much philosophising in one burst before. [She chuckles.] Anyway, do you get my point? [Kasuga nods.] Good. Hmm, you know...[She pauses momentarily.] Maybe if you thought about just what Ayukawa sees in him, you might not be quite so jealous. Maybe her idea of him is similar to mine. It's something to think about. [She moves off to chat with others. Kasuga stares after her for a moment, then glances over at Hayashibara, who is still talking with Katsu. After a couple of moments, Kasuga shakes his head and walks over to join them.]

Hayashibara: Ahh...Kasuga-san. I haven't had much chance to talk with you this evening. How are you doing?

Kasuga: Pretty two have been talking for quite a while. Anything important?

Katsu: [Chuckling with a drink in his hand.] I'm just trying to convince "Mr. Baseball" here that playing tennis is a bit different than playing baseball.

Hayashibara: What's so difficult about it? If I can hit a ball with a bat, I can certainly hit one with a tennis racquet.

Katsu: [Grins.] We'll see about that. [To Kasuga.] Anyway, we're going to go out to the court tomorrow and try a few sets. Interested in joining us?

Kasuga: Well, I don't play much, but Ayukawa's pretty good.

Hayashibara: Ayukawa-san? Hmm...I wouldn't mind getting a chance to watch her play. Let's invite her too.

Kasuga: [Frowns slightly.] Well...I'm not sure...

Hayashibara: Hmm...[Sets his drink down] I think you and I need to talk Kasuga-san. [To Katsu] Would you excuse the two of us for a moment?

Katsu: Sure...I'd better get going anyway. [Leaves.]

Kasuga: [To himself.] What's this all about?

Hayashibara: Kasuga-san, it's obvious you don't like me very much and I can guess why. You see me as a threat that will come between you and Ayukawa-san, right?

Kasuga: Well...

Hayashibara: I don't know if this will do any good, but for what it's worth, I have no intentions of being a threat. Ayukawa's a wonderful girl, I'm sure, but she's your girlfriend, and that makes all the difference.

Kasuga Narration: There have been many things in my life I wished I could do over again. Sometimes, it seems I can't ever make up my mind. Oftentimes, I've made mistakes and regretted my decisions...but this wasn't one of them.

Kasuga: Hmm...I can't make any promises, but...[Pauses momentarily] I guess I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment. [Holds out his hand tentatively.]

Hayashibara: [Clasps Kasuga's hand firmly.]

[They rejoin the others. After a few moments Akane pulls Kasuga to one side.]

Akane: [With a drink in her hand.] Well, it's an interesting party, but when is the birthday girl putting in an appearance?

Kasuga: Oh...that's right. I didn't tell you...this is a surprise party.

Akane: [Puzzled] Surprise? [To herself.] But Madoka-san has been working in the kitchen...

Kasuga: Yeah...I think Katsu left to get Kimura a little while ago...[Stands up] I've gotta help Ayukawa in the kitchen. See you in a little while...[Leaves]

Akane: [Almost chokes on her drink as she realizes to herself.] K-K-KIMURA...?!?

[Cut to Kimura's apartment. Katsu rings the doorbell and waits. A few moments later, the door opens and an older woman stands by the doorway. She has red hair, fading to gray highlights. Her face is lined with a look of sterness, tempered with a mother's protectiveness.]

Older woman: Good evening...may I help you?

Katsu: [Bows.] Good evening...I'm Katsu Ritsu. I'm here to take Kimura Keiko to...

Older woman: [Sternly interrupts Katsu.] 11:00 at the latest.

Katsu: [Surprised at the sudden sterness.] Oh, err...right...

Older woman: I am Kimura Akiko...Keiko's mother.

Katsu: Pleased to meet you.

Kimura: Okaasan* that...[Eyes light up] Katsu-san!


Kimura Akiko: Now I want you home by 11:00 Keiko...[Holds up an authoritative finger.] and no drinking this time!

Kimura: [Eyes downcast in submissive obedience.] Hai...

[Cut to Ayukawa's apartment. The party is continuing as Saito chats with Hayashibara as the Miyasato twins swoon while listening in. However, from behind the side hallway, Akane is conspicuously hiding behind the wall, trying to reach the stack of presents.]

Akane: [To herself as everyone else is casually chatting.] problem. My box is on the top, so all I have to do is grab it...[She creeps forward and reaches for the stack. Just as her fingers brush the box, she jerks as an electrical jolt hits her on the rump.] YYYYEEEEOOOOWWWW!!!!

Kasamatsu: [To Akane as she falls into the stack, causing the presents to fall to the ground.] Hi Akane! Whatcha doing next Friday night?

Akane: [From the floor with presents piled around her.] BAKA! WHAT WAS THAT FO...[Suddenly freezes when she realizes that she's attracting unwanted attention.]

Kasamatsu: [Surprised.] was just a joke. Don't go hyper...

Saito: [Starts picking up the presents and putting them back on the table.] What a mess...

Yuko: [Picks up the rest of the presents.] need to drink less coffee Akane...

Akane: [Now sees that her present is sitting at the bottom of the pile.] Oh shoot...!

[Cut into the apartment kitchen. Kasuga and Ayukawa are in the kitchen together, preparing the cake behind the closed kitchen door. The cake has three layers with a white sheet of frosting. Along the edges, a fancy ring of sculpted red frosting adds color. On the surface is a chocolate Kanji writing of Kimura Keiko's name.]

Ayukawa: [Putting the final touches of frosting on the cake with a decorative frosting tip.] All done!

Kasuga: [Admiringly] That's a real've outdone yourself!

Ayukawa: [Smiles.] I'm sure Kimura will be happy to see it.

Kasuga: Heh...I'm sure. Then again, she's happy just seeing the sun come up every morning.

Ayukawa: [Nods.] I can't help but envy her sometimes. Not many people can be happy all the time like that. [Her smile slips as she remembers someone else who used to fit that description.] Do you think...she'll ever be able to forgive us?

Kasuga: [Long pause, then...] I hope so...[Tries to perk up by changing the subject.] Let me get that...[Picks up the cake.]

Ayukawa: [Holds the door open.] Careful...

[As they go into the living area, they put the cake in the middle of the table. As they step away, the other people present gather around to admire the handiwork.]

Hayashibara: Well done Ayukawa-san...a professional cook couldn't have done better!

Yuko: It looks great!

Saito: Kimura-san should be really happy to see this!

Kasamatsu: [Salivating to the point of drooling] smells so good...[Starts to reach over and sample some frosting with his finger but a sudden dislocation stops him.] <Snap!> OW!

Yoko: [Holding Kasamatsu's wrist with disdain.] At least wait until Kimura-san gets here!

Ayukawa: [Smiles.] Thank you! I'm sure she'll just love...[Then notices a hand coming up from under the table.] Eh?

Akane: [With the present in her hand.] Got it!

Ayukawa: [Lifts up the table cloth, revealing Akane's hiding place.] What are you doing?

Akane: [Drops the present.] Uhh...Madoka-san! [Starts sweating.]

Ayukawa: [Notices her nervousness.] Are you alright?

Kasuga: [Bends over and sees Akane.] What's going on? [Looks at Akane suspiciously] Have you been drinking too much?

Ayukawa: I don't know what you're doing under there...[Picks up the present and puts it back on the stack, and gives Akane a meaningful look.] but don't forget your promise...

Akane: [As she watches Ayukawa put the present back on the table and rejoin the others.] Oh shoot! What am I going to do...?

[Cut to just outside Ayukawa's apartment. Katsu and Kimura walk across the vacant tennis courts and through the guest parking lot.]

Kimura: [Giggling] Come on Katsu-san! Are you going to tell me what's going on?

Katsu: [Smiles as he tries to conceal his excitement.] Nothing Kimura-san! Ayukawa-san just wanted to talk to you about something.

Kimura: [With curiosity.] Oh...and I guess she didn't say any...look out!

[As she talks to him, Katsu "accidentally" bumps into Hayashibara's red RX-7, setting off its alarm.]

RX-7: [With the headlights flashing.] YEOWYEOWYEOWYEOWYEOW...

Katsu: [Puts his hand behind his head with embarrassment.] Oops...sorry about that!

[Cut back to the living room of Ayukawa's apartment.]

Akane: [To herself.] I'd better get that present, or it's going to look bad for Kyosuke! [Looks with a forlorn expression on her face.] I wish I had Kyosuke's TK powers! [Crawls under the table and starts reaching up into the stack of presents without looking. She feels around, then pulls a box down.] Shoot...wrong one! [Reaches up and puts the box back on the table, moves her hand to the next one and pulls it down.] Got it! [Stands up.] Now to take care of...[Suddenly interrupted by the sound of a car alarm from outside.]

Ayukawa: Get down...that's the signal! [Sees the present in Akane's hand and grabs it out of her hand.] Stop fiddling with the presents Akane, we'll find out what they are in a minute! [Puts the present back on the table.]

Akane: [To herself in frustration.] ARRRGH...!

[Everyone in the room retreats into the bedroom behind the side wall and quiets down. There is a knock on the door, followed by Kimura's voice.]

Kimura: [From outside the apartment.] Hello? Anyone home?

Ayukawa: [From behind the kitchen area.] Come in!

Kimura: [Opening the door.] Madoka-san? Katsu-san said you wanted to see me?

Everyone: [Stepping out from their hiding places.] SURPRISE!!!

Kimura: [Eyes light up.] WOW! EVERYONE'S HERE...[Puts her hands under her chin.] LUCKY!!!

[Everyone comes forward to wish Kimura a happy birthday.]

Hayashibara: [Steps forward, picks up one of the boxes on the table and hands it to Kimura.] Happy birthday Kimura-san!

Kimura: [Swoons and almost drops the box.] Uhh...[Blushes, then manages to open the present with fumbling fingers.] Wow! [She pulls out a new leather bookbag.]

Akane: [Tries to discretely move over to the remaining stack.] This is my last chance! [Tries to grab Kasuga's gift without looking, but manages to snag her own instead.] That's not the right one; it's...

Kimura: [Sees Akane and interrupts her.] Is that yours?

Akane: [Embarrassingly forced to stop her search.] Uhh...right! [Sheepishly hands it over.]

Kimura: [Opens the box, revealing a lava lamp.] Wow...pretty!

Ayukawa: [Hands over another box.] Here, this is from me.

Kimura: This is great! [Opens the box and pulls out a blue silk blouse.]

[Unnoticed by everyone else, Akane is slowly edging to the back of the room.]

Katsu: [Steps forward.] I was going to give you some homemade fireworks, but [Puts his hand behind his head.] there were some problems. So I got you this... [Hands over a hastily-wrapped box.]

Kimura: [Removes the wrapping, revealing a multi-colored soroban*. Along each row, translucent, rainbow-colored beads sparkle with each movement.] Wow...kawaii**!

*Japanese name for an abacus


Saito: [Dejectedly.] Ah should have told me you were going to get that. [Hands over a small wrapped box.]

Kimura: [Opens the small box, revealing a multi-purpose RPN calculator.] Oh wow...

Kasamatsu: [Hands Kimura a small can of nuts.] This is for you; I also got something else. [Grabs one of the boxes and steps back.]

Kimura: [Clearly touched.] You got two presents? You shouldn't have...[Starts to open the can first.]

Kasuga: [Suddenly realizes something.] NO WAIT! [Grabs the can from Kimura, but the lid has already been loosened. As he pulls the can away, two spring loaded cloth snakes come out and smack Kasuga right on the nose.] OWW! [Glares at Kasamatsu.]

Kasamatsu: [Hands over the box to Kimura, while telling Kasuga...] Hrumph, you ruined a perfectly good joke!

Kimura: [Opens the real gift, revealing a silver plate. Sitting in the middle is a rubber dog dropping.] Eh?

Kasamatsu: Oops! Forgot that was there! [Reaches in and removes the rubber prop.]

Kimura: [Sees that there's only one box left.] Oh, that leaves Kyo-chan's! [Reaches for the last gift.]

Akane: [Slowly slips away and hides behind the wall leading to the next room with fearful anticipation.] Here it comes...

[Eagerly, Kimura removes the gift wrap and lifts the lid. She comes to a sudden halt when the gift is revealed. Without a word, she picks up a silky black negligee out of the box for all to see.]

Kimura: [With eyes wide open.] Wow... [Lifts up the negligee up by the strings to get a better look at the translucent garment.]

Ayukawa: [With a shocked expression.] K-k-kasuga-kun...?

Hayashibara: [Drops his eyes away from the garment and clears his throat discreetly.]...

Kasamatsu: [Quietly decides to pick up his snakes.] Uhh, right...

Saito: [Look of fascination.] No wonder he gets the girls...

Both Miyasato's in unison: [With pale, speechless expressions on their faces]...

Katsu: [Puts his hand behind his head.] Uhh...

Kasuga: [After taking a moment to absorb the collected feelings of embarrassment from the group.] AKANE...!!!!!!

[Slowly pull back from the frozen scene. Kasuga has an angry expression on his face as he looks for Akane, who is nowhere to be seen. Kimura blushes intensely as she hold up the silky lingerie for closer examination. Everyone else has a shocked expression on their faces.]


Writer                                  Andy Combs
New Characters Designer/Co-writer       Stephen Tsai
Doujinshi Artwork                       Tony Jung
Pre-readers                             Ravi Konchigeri
                                        Jim Ramberg
                                        Christian Gadeken
                                        Chung-Mau Cheng
                                        Charles Winata
                                        Lisa Richardson
                                        Alexander Chien
                                        Michael Welsh Duggan
                                        Jeff Yang
                                        Robert DeLoura
                                        Keith Schaefer
                                        Peter Van Overen
Very special thanks to                  Hitoshi Doi

A tip of the hat and a deep bow to      Matsumoto Izumi for starting 
the whole thing
If I left anyone off, my apologies. Any mistakes/embarrassing faux pas are entirely my own. If there is anything here you must flame, aim them at me and me alone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this episode of my series. I have the next episode in the works.

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again!

For the new readers: I'll be doing character profiles, major location descriptions, and situation updates on a rotating basis for each episode. If there is a particular character, place or event that you would like to know more about, and it is not being covered, don't hesitate to email me and I will send you either a note or a copy of the episode it is introduced.

Focus on Miyasato Yuko & Yoko [Introduced in Episode 2]: Two identical twin sisters who live in Room 2 directly under Kyosuke's room. Yuko is a freshman major in liberal arts and Yoko is a freshman education major.

Usually these two like to dress in the same outfits, taking mischievous delight in watching other people try to tell them apart. However, on more than one occasion, this scheme has backfired; particularly in the past with their dates and boyfriends. As a result of past disappointments and problems, both are leery about going steady with guys; however, if the right person presents himself, either one would probably start fawning all over again. The real debate will be which one gets the man.

They also share an explosive temper. Yuko is a little more restrained; she's usually willing to listen to someone before taking action. Yoko is more likely to take action first; then listen. If they are offended (and this can happen quite often) they will go ballistic on a moment's notice. Since they are both capable fighters, this can prove painful for the offender.

Visual Description: Both of these girls are short with long brown hair, perky noses, and blue eyes. Close anime comparisons include (but are not limited to) Hayakawa Moemi from Video Girl Ai, and Fujiko from Lupin III.